Page 58 of One Hot Moment
"Tabitha Remington does not get embarrassed. You are a feisty yet kind free spirit."
I have no idea how to respond to that declaration. Spencer always knows what to say to make me feel like I'm soaring through the sky with his hand in mine.
We arrive in Arlington at dusk. Spencer politely inquires whether I want him to drop me off at my apartment or take me to his place. We both knew the answer before he asked the question.
"I want to be with you tonight, sweetie. Need my British sex god snuggled up with me in bed."
"Sex god?" he says with a slight chuckle. "I'm not that good."
"Don't be so humble. You rock the bedroom, Spence. And the hot office sex too."
His adorable little smirk proves he agrees with my assessment of his prowess. Just a few weeks ago, he would have been embarrassed by what I said. My, how things have changed.
In the morning, it's time to get back to work. Since I didn't bring any business clothes with me for the weekend, Spence had called Duane while we were on the road back to Arlington and asked if he would mind picking us up a little early. No surprise, Duane agreed. So, this morning, he waits in the car while Spence and I go up to my apartment.
Spencer watches me changing clothes.
Yeah, that was my idea. He loved it.
"That suit looks the best on you," he says. "The color enhances your complexion, not that you need any enhancing. Your natural beauty is stunning."
I've just slipped my shoes on, and I walk up to him, then straighten his tie a little bit. "You can feel free to lavish me with compliments for the rest of our lives."
"Do you plan on staying with me for that long?"
I touch my lips to his. "Forever with you sounds like a dream come true."
"Glad you feel that way. I can't picture my life without you in it anymore."
Maybe we didn't expressly state our feelings for each other, but I believe we both know what we meant.
Once we're inside the car, Spencer waves a hand toward the windshield. "Make haste, Duane. Our princess must not be late to court."
Duane grins. "You're one strange guy, Spence. But I've always liked that kind. It's the serious ones who make me nervous."
I give Spencer's knee a quick squeeze. "I like the strange ones too, Duane. Why wouldn't I? Everyone thinks I'm weird too."
"Normal is overrated."
After Duane drops us off at work, Spencer encourages him to "go have some fun" while he waits for us to finish the day's tasks. Spencer has just climbed out of the car, so I lean over the front seat to plant a firm kiss on Duane's cheek. Then I wink and kiss his cheek again.
I swear he almost seems to be blushing.
My knight in a dark-blue suit helps me out of the car. Spencer always insists on taking my arm even when we're walking through an underground parking garage or riding in the elevator. He doesn't let go until I sit down at my desk.
Even then, he bends over the desk to give me one last kiss before the workday officially begins. I crane my neck to watch him walking away. That suit highlights his muscles, and it makes his ass look so damn good that I want to race into his office and drag him onto the desk with me on top.
The big bosses don't arrive at work until nine fifteen, for reasons I've never understood. Shouldn't everyone show up at nine on the dot? The big bosses are board members, which I guess explains it.
At precisely nine seventeen, Spencer emerges from his office and halts at my desk. "I've made an appointment with my immediate superior, Desmond Rademaker. We are to report to his office right away."
"We? You told him we both want time off?"
"Yes." He takes hold of my hand, kissing my palm. "Don't worry, darling. Desmond isn't a monster, and I sincerely doubt he will give us any trouble when we ask for extended leave for the wedding. I mentioned to him that my brother needs my support. He seemed receptive to the idea."
"Oh, good. I was actually getting a touch anxious about that."
"I had a feeling you were." He threads his fingers with mine as he leads me toward the elevator. "Would a quick shag on the way up to the eighth floor ease your anxiety?"