Page 4 of Desert Angel
“Is that a well-known fact? And isn’t it illegal?” he asked.
“Not illegal, at least I don’t think it is on private property. The legality of the issue has been in a state of flux for a while, depending on the state or region you’re in. As to whether it’s well known in the area, I haven’t spread the news. That’s not what it’s about.”
“What is it about?” Dylan asked, genuinely interested.
“Humans helping humans. My faith. The basic needs of people being met,” she said simply, then, as if uncomfortable, she went on. “I’ve also left food and water near the border station at Antelope Pass, so that may have been observed by some of the agents. I’m not sure.”
And the source of his sister’s awareness of her name, he thought. “Did you leave the stuff on the US or Mexican side?”
“So the police, or at least the captain, is concerned with your safety in relation to those who may disagree with you politically.”
“Politics don’t come into the equation,” she said somewhat defensively.
“Maybe not for you, but it does for some people.” He studied her for another minute then scooted his chair back and stood. “Let’s go outside and have a look around.”
She took the mugs and set them in the sink before following him into the living area and then outside. As he passed the bay window, Dylan made a mental note to get the glass ordered to replace the pane as soon as possible. With the remoteness of the area, who knew how long it’d take for a delivery truck to make a run out to them. He quirked a grin at himself then. Seems he’d already agreed to take this case, whether she’d be able to pay for his services or not.
As they circled the perimeter of the house, Dylan surveyed the land. The rock-littered soil and sand of the high desert made for lousy prints unless it rained, he noted, but still kept an eagle eye on the ground. There were no spent shells, though he hadn’t expected them either. A smart shooter would have used a medium to long-range rifle rather than a pistol to make his point, so he’d have to venture farther afield. He asked Nikki about this and she shrugged. “We can walk or I can get the four-by-four out and we can drive.”
“The weather is nice enough to walk, if you’re agreeable,” he said, not sure he wanted to be sitting so close to her. Even with the two feet separating them as they walked, he could smell the fresh light floral scent emanating from her skin and he didn’t want to scare her away on the first day.
As they walked toward the north, he asked her about her daily habits, anyone who’d show up at the ranch on a regular basis, and other facts he’d need to adequately protect her. She had no close family, little extended family, and her friends were mainly in Albuquerque. “You don’t socialize with your neighbors?”
She smiled slightly before answering his question. “I go to church services weekly and sometimes more, as I can with the ranch duties. There is a community organization I occasionally help out with as well. It’s a combined effort from several churches in Lordsburg. It’s kind of hit and miss.”
“Can we visit there sometime in the next couple of days?” he asked as he bent to examine a smashed bit of brush.
She glanced at the small bush and replied. “That’s probably from an elk trying to find some water in the roots. Why would you want to go to the fellowship meetings? And I’d have to check to see when the next meeting is.”
“Just curious,” he said and straightened from his crouch, assured that she was right, there was evidence that an animal had been pawing or gnawing at the base of the plant. “And your immediate neighbor?”
“Wayne? He’s to the east of me. His ranch basically surrounds mine on all sides except the border with Arizona. And yes, the migrants pass through a small strip of his land after they pass through mine. “
“And what is his opinion of the migrants?”
“He thinks that the migrants make a choice when they start north. Whatever happens to them isn’t his business, unless they interfere with his ranch, animals, or profits. So far, apparently, they haven’t.” She didn’t elaborate, nor did she withhold information but Dylan sensed something behind her words. Something he’d have to pursue later.
They continued walking, studying the terrain and immediate surroundings for any evidence of the shooter or his weapon. When the sun hit its apex, they turned around, but not before Dylan caught sight of the knoll that was a perfect position for a shooter to use a long-range rifle to shoot at Nikki’s house.
They were approaching the house when a white truck pulled into the drive near the utility building, sending a small cloud of dust up in its wake. Dylan watched as a man, lean and tanned, exited the truck, his hand on his belt as if he were searching for something else. A sidearm? He didn’t see a pistol but that didn’t mean one wasn’t concealed on the man.
Nikki must have caught a whiff of the testosterone emanating from the guy and, if he had to admit it, from him in response to the perceived threat, because she stepped between them and approached the man. “Wayne, hi.”
“Nikki. I stopped by to check and see if you were okay.” He eyed Dylan with a fierce expression and Dylan realized he was being sized up as an opponent, or a romantic rival.
“As you can see, I’m fine. Dylan also stopped by to check on me.”
A dark frown formed on the tanned face. Dylan stepped closer until he was just behind Nikki and gave the guy back a stare. “Hi, Wayne, is it? Dylan Wright.” He then stepped to the side and held his hand out for a shake. When the other guy ignored him, he knew the rivalry was over this woman and he wasn’t willing to concede the fight.
Nikki stepped up next to him again. “Dylan works with a security agency and offered to help me beef up the security around my place. Isn’t that nice?”
Whoa. He knew he’d been clear on his intentions regarding her security. So what was with the beefing up remark? He found out when she continued. “You don’t have to worry about me or come out so much now. I know you’re busier than I am, what with the calving and all.”
If his frown had been dark before, it was thunderous now and Dylan was surprised the guy didn’t start smoking around the ears. “I told you last night I’d help you take care of everything. We don’t need anyone coming in from outside and getting in our business.”
“My business, you mean and he isn’t a stranger,” Nikki said.