Page 3 of Accidental Orc Daddy
“You go, girl!” one of my aunties shouts, and that makes me smile as I make my way, a new woman, down the aisle to my new life that lies ahead.
You know what’s great about being rich and good-looking? Pretty much everything. I mean, put it like this. What’s not to love about sitting in a luxurious leather seat on your private jet with your best friends around you?
Jealous? It’s okay, most people are. I won’t hold it against you.
“There you go, sir. Whiskey with ice, two cubes like you said,” the pretty stewardess says as she sets my drink down in front of me.
“Thank you,” I reply as she turns and walks down the aisle. I watch her as she goes. That extra wiggle in her walk tells me she knows I am watching her.
“Nice,” Dragan, one of my close friends, remarks. He smirks and takes a long swig of his beer. The rest of our group does the same.
“Very,” I reply.
“I think she’s into you, Mustaf,” Fordan adds, winking in my direction.
I lean back in my seat and let the glass of whiskey rest on my knee as the stewardess turns and flashes me a devilish grin. I return the favor. It would be rude not to.
“And we have lift-off,” Maui whispers in my ear. Dragan and Fordan snigger like orc kids.
“Easy, guys. I don’t do mile highs. It’s beneath me,” I reply.
“Not me, ” Maui remarks.
“In your dreams,” Fordan says.
“I’d settle for that,” Maui says.
We laugh, just as we always do. They’re great guys, and this will be one hell of a trip.
“So, Mustaf, what’s this I heard about you and that chick at the casino the other night?” Fordan asks me, nudging Dragan.
“That was strictly business,” I reply, giving nothing away. A gentleman never tells, especially this lot.
“Monkey business, you mean,” Dragan says. The guys giggle, and I can’t help but laugh as well.
“Nice one, Dragan,” Fordan laughs, giving him a high five.
“So, I hear this club on the island has topless servers,” Maui says excitedly.
“Yeah, but they are all men,” Dragan replies.
“Oh, you’re on fire today, bro. Get that orc another beer,” I tell him and shoot him a high five.
“Why don’t I ever get a high five?” Maui asks.
“You walk yourself right into these things, you really do,” Fordan says.
I lean over and raise my hand to Maui. He smiles, but as he moves his hand towards mine for a high-five, I quickly move mine out of the way.
“Ah, ha, ha!” Fordan buckles over in laughter. Maui sulks back into his chair.
“Sorry, dude,” I tell him. “Couldn’t resist. Let me make it up to you.”
I raise my hand again for a high five. Maui looks at it for a second, and Fordan and Dragan try to hold back their snickers. Maui leans forward, lifts his hand, and again, just as our hands are about to connect, I pull away again. This time, it throws Maui off balance and he ends up on the floor.