Page 8 of The Hitman's Vice
“Yes. Go.” The order was an ominous growl,and Gia ran to obey. Adam’s grip on Dane tightened to the point ofpain, and their eyes met. “You and Ben are friends.”
“Were,” Dane reaffirmed. Not a good time forAdam to forget that. “Not been around that much since he headed offto college.”
“Take Sawyer. Find him, wherever he is.Kirke can wait.”
“Of course, sir.”
Adam’s voice lowered near a whisper: “Andyou tell him that if I hear he’s set one foot in this fucking stateafter tonight, I won’t intervene in the repercussions. He’s done.”The words hung in the air, and Dane fought back a smile. “He willget nothing else from us. Not money, not protection. He can stay onthe other side of the river with the dogs and the bears. See how helikes it.”
The Lobos cartel and the Bratva? That’s ahell of a circus to run off with.“I’ll tell him,Boss.”
Adam released his shoulder with a heavy,apologetic pat before striding across the hall to the makeshifttriage room. The muffled voices of the doctor and Gia resolved tosilence as Adam knocked, then stepped inside.
Dane pulled the St. Michael coin from hispocket, twisting it between his fingers. Sawyer spoke first: “Whatthe fuck just happened?”
“We made the boss like us.” Dane flipped thecoin.Heads. Let’s call that good.
“Did we?”
“As much as he likes anybody tonight.” Heslid the coin back into his pocket. “We should head out—the silowas still going strong. Let’s hope he stuck around. I don’t havehis latest burner, and he never takes his real shit to theparties.”
Sawyer hesitated. “You sure we shouldn’ttake a third body with us to give Ben, uh, this kind ofnews?”
“Nah.” Dane’s smirk became a laugh. “Let mehandle Benny. He knows I don’t fuck around with his dad’s messages,but we’re cool.”For now.Unless Ben ever looked at hissisters again—even Gia didn’t deserve that. “He ought to thank mefor stumbling into Kirke. If this had gone down differently, itwouldn’t be a banishment.”
Adam would have sliced him apartjoint-by-joint for selling his sisters.The thought brought asad twinge to Dane’s heart. He’d have loved to see that punishmentplay out. It would’ve been a goddamn masterclass. But Dane realizedit was just a matter of time. Kansas City or Omaha would still beclose enough for someone with Ben’s talents. And Ben was toofucking weak to try his luck in Vegas or the coasts. But, ofcourse, if Adam pulled strings, Ben might not be welcome in thoseplaces either.And that’ll make him worse.
“Think that’s all it is for real? Justkicked out? No welcoming committee in Kansas City?” Sawyer quietlyasked as they hurried out the door and down the steps.
“Nah. Adam loves his kids. He won’t pull thetrigger ‘til Ben’s so fucked, it’s a mercy.”
“Christ. And we have to go back to thatgoddamn shithole for this message? Can’t you text him? Use his realphone.”
“Not for this.”
“Fuck.” Sawyer groaned, digging into hispocket for the keys. “Let’s get this shitshow over with.”
Dane nodded slowly, feeling his stomachtwist.If Adam finds out about that kiss… No. Zara wouldn’ttell.For all her mischief and smart-ass remarks, she’d neverbeen one who told on anyone. Not even when it would’ve saved her aworld of tears. He glanced up one more time at the townhouse andthen put it all out of his mind. He had a sociopath’s heart tobreak.
Chicago, Illinois, May 19, Four YearsAgo
“So, Dad wasn’t lying. You really are stuckbabysitting, huh?” Zara hated herself for the quaver in her voice.She’d practiced this conversation a dozen times in the mirror, buttalking to Dane Ryan was never as easy as she hoped. Not even inher own damn home where he was sprawled in the den with a cookie inone hand, a remote in the other, and not a single weapon in sight.It didn’t help that he looked like he belonged in one of Gia’sphoto shoots, even in the most domestic scenes imaginable. He justhad that Insta-level bone structure and the kind of body designersdreamed of dressing ever since his last growth spurt. Not thatshe’d been studying him intensely since seventh grade oranything.
“Hm?” He finished the cookie in one giantbite, same as he always did. She had more than one memory ofsitters and nannies telling him to take smaller bites. He neverlistened. “Oh. Yeah.” He wiped his hands together and gave a faintlaugh. “Get used to it. I’m getting paid to hang out and ruin yoursummer.”
Looking at him every day wouldn’t ruinanything except her sleep patterns. But she didn’t dare say that.Instead, Zara took a few steps into the room and tried rememberingher speech. She’d had a very good one planned. It’d been verynonchalant and mature. She opened her mouth, and a single questioncame out: “Is it true?”
“Is what true?” His midnight eyes swept overher, banishing every thought from her head for a full heartbeat.“You need to be more specific before I can deny all knowledge ofwhatever you’re asking about.” His luscious lips turned into amocking smirk. She missed the days when he had softer smiles forher. Back when they were friends. Before he vanished into Outfiterrands and graduated to being one more bobbing head whenever herfather spoke.
“Dad cut Ben off. Told him to leave thestate.” She cleared her throat, which still ached fromTheExorcistreenactment she’d endured three days earlier, andsat on the couch a careful distance from Dane’s leg. “Hannah madeus block him on all our accounts. After Cathy yelled at us forgoing out.”It still didn’t seem fair that their older sisterand newest stepmother joined forces so easily.
“Good thinking on Hannah’s part.” He nodded,sitting up without moving away. “And yes. Ben’s out.” The TV’svolume went up a notch, and he set the remote aside. She watchedhis fingers bend, focused on the way he brushed something off hissleeve, and then realized belatedly that the same hand was reachingfor hers. His palm was warm, the skin a little rough against hers.Somehow, her shoulders didn’t feel so tight. “This is a good thing,Z. You know that.”
“Yeah,” she echoed dully. She experimentedwith letting her fingertip press against his skin, just enough tobe sure he was real. He’d held onto her the other night too, sheremembered that. He’d been quiet, and hadn’t even yelled at her forruining his shoes… “Until Dad forgives him.”