Page 75 of Absolution
He pulls up my dress in one rough yank and puts his large, rough hand between my legs, his thumb rubbing against my clit while his fingers push against my opening, only my panties between his feral desire and my aching core.
“You’re soaked, Ker,” he moans. “You fucking need me as much as I need you.” He keeps rubbing, a little too hard, and I don’t know if it’s good or if it’s bad anymore. “Tell me, have you been with someone else?” He pushes the panties to the side and slides along my wet slit, teasing, back and forth. “Have you?”
“No!” I gasp. “There’s been no one.”
A shudder runs through him as he pushes his rock-hard bulge harder against my belly. He leans back a little and regards me, his eyes darting between my swollen mouth, my eyes, my hair, back to my eyes. “You ruined me for all others, Ker. I need you more than I need air.”
He thrusts his fingers inside me, spearing me. I cry out incoherently, unable to support myself on my trembling legs.
“Come here.” Without further ado, he lifts me, and I wrap my legs around his waist, letting him carry me up the stairs.
Throwing me on the bed, he pants heavy and beads of sweat pearl on his forehead. “You’ve been a bad, bad girl, Kerry, and you keep on resisting me, fighting me, when all you had to do was keep your promise.
I scramble back as he moves in on me. “What promise?”
“You told me once you were mine. I’m gonna hold you to that. Get the fuck out of that dress. I want to see you.”
His? What’s he talking about? Then it dawns on me. “What the fuck? That was before you tried to kill me!”
“Get. Out. Of. The. Dress. Or I’ll rip it in two.”
“You wouldn’t!”
I try to move back further, my head connecting with the wall behind me. Christian sets a knee on the mattress and strikes, his hand gripping my ankle, pulling me to him with ease. My dress rides up to my waist and he grabs it.
“No! Wait!”
My hands shake violently as I take his hand, removing it. I force myself up on my knees, my whole being screaming at me that this is not how it’s supposed to be, that a lover should be gentle, not threatening, tender, not demanding and rough. Shuffling over until I got my back to him, I show him the zipper.
“I need your help,” I whisper.
The groan he emits sends a wave of heat to my pussy. Warm fingers caress along my back, deliberately slow, as he pulls down the zipper and my dress falls to the sides, revealing my whole back down to my butt. With a feather light caress, he pushes it off my shoulders, and I let it fall to the bed, bunching around my knees.
“Beautiful,” he moans. “Bend over.” He puts a large palm between my shoulder blades and pushes.
As I fall to hands and knees, I know I have to obey.
I remember last time. My strength is nothing to his brutal force.
I remember last time, and my heart rate spikes.
I remember pain, fear, lust and want.
I remember caresses and him spanking me. I know I’ll have to submit. He won’t take no for an answer.
His palm is hot and calloused, caressing my butt. “You’re so soft, Ker. So pale.” The smack comes unexpected, shocking me to my core. I dash forward, but he grips my hips and pulls me back. “You tried to run from me.” His hand is treacherously tender, then he slaps me again and I scream.
“I want a safeword, Christian!”
“You don’t need a fucking safeword,” he growls. “You’re mine. I won’t hurt you. Much.” His palm connects with my skin again, and I bury my face in the mattress as I cry out in fright mixed with growing heat.
“I’m yours!” I gasp. “I’m yours. I’ll be yours, but you have to give me something. You scare me.”
He doesn’t move. I listen to his ragged breathing.
His lips on my tender ass are soft and soothing as he blows a stream of cool air on raw skin. “Does it turn you on then? Being scared?” I whimper when he nibbles at my soaked panties before he pushes them to the side, and licks a path along my wet slit, all the way down to my clit. “Because you’re so fucking wet, babe.”
Does it? I know it does. I don’t know why, but it’s as if Christian’s brutal soul was made to match my softness, as if his rough edges find a fit in the crevices of what makes up Kerry. It’s as if together we’re whole.