Page 91 of Absolution
“Three exits, a six-floor building, signs of activity on the first and the fourth floor, a guard visible by one of the side doors.” Ivan hands out earbuds and radio equipment as he relays what they’ve seen.
I assemble my gear as I listen to Salvatore explaining the situation to Simon and his men, emphasizing that there’s a child in there who can in no circumstances be harmed. My stomach churns and the feeling of urgency intensifies.
“Boss.” Johnny comes around one of the vehicles, a phone in his hand. “You wanna hear this.”
Salvatore grabs the phone and puts it to his ear, his features darkening as he listens. He hands the phone back with a slight tremble to his hand. “There’s been a second demand. The price has gone up and in an hour a body part will be delivered if we don’t pay up according to instructions.”
Nausea shoots through me. “Let’s move. Save fucking no one,” I growl.
We move through the shadows, splitting up in three groups, one for each entrance. Outside ours stands a man. None of us cares who he is, if he’s just an innocent bystander, or if he’s with Richter. With the silencer there’s a dulled popping sound, and with a clean headshot he goes down. One of Simon’s men darts forward, crouching below a window and checks his vitals before he nods for us to come. Salvatore gestures for Adrian to stay behind and take out anyone who exits.
My heart rate increases as we move inside, through a semi-dark corridor with a dirty concrete floor. A shadow next to me makes me spin around and bury my knife in the throat of another man. He falls with nothing but a quiet gurgle and a slight rattle of his weapon as it hits the hard surface.
The radio comes to life with a slight crackle. “Main entrance clear,” says a low voice in my ear.
“Two down left rear,” I whisper back.
“Rusty said he thought seven men,” mouths Salvatore. I nod, as does Ivan.
As we move forward, we find no one else on the lower floor. Reuniting with the two other groups we advance up the only stairwell while one man stays behind guarding the elevator in the entrance. We’ve also put one on the lookout on the rear right exit.
The remaining seven of us sneak through the building, dividing and reuniting, floor by floor, room by room. On the fourth floor there are voices from behind a closed door. Someone sounds agitated, someone else seems to be calming the first one down. I hope to fuck one of these people are Richter, but I know the chances are slim. He’s probably not even in town.
“Check the rest of the building,” whispers Simon. “The girl might be held somewhere else. If we find her first, it would make things easier.” He gestures to three of his guys as well as Johnny and Ivan to move on.
I grab Ivan’s arm. “You stay. I go.”
Ivan glances at Salvatore who nods and waves for us to keep moving.
My heart slams in my chest as the voices of the kidnappers fade. Cecilia is here somewhere. I feel it with my whole being. It’s been four hours since Kerry’s frantic call. Four hours since our world was torn apart yet again. It’s my choices that got us here. My way of life is what keeps circling us back to pain and devastation.
Fifth floor is empty. Sixth floor is the last one and we split up in two different directions. Around the corner stands a man, the smell of cigarette smoke heavy in the narrow space. I shoot, but so does he as he throws himself to the side, crying out as he’s hit in the thigh. I shoot again, and so does Johnny, this time hitting home in the middle of his chest. Our weapons are silenced. His wasn’t. Two floors down all hell breaks loose, screams, shots, loud slams, more shots. I quickly feel along my body to check I wasn’t hit. I’m so stoked on adrenaline I doubt I’d feel a bullet. I glance at Johnny who does a thumbs up, then I stare at the door that was guarded. I don’t do prayers, I don’t do religion, but for the second time in my life I turn to the God of my childhood, asking not for me, but for an innocent little girl, soon to be two years old.
Please God, let her be in there, please God, let her be unharmed.
Johnny tries the handle and the door opens with a squeak. We can’t know for sure no one else is in there and throw it open as we rush to either side of the door opening, our weapons ready.
Not a sound is heard from within the room and I take the chance, taking a quick peek around the doorframe.
On a naked striped mattress in the far corner, under a dirty window, lies a sleeping little dark-haired girl, clutching a stuffed animal. I rush forward and crouch next to her. Her cheeks are covered in dried tears but she’s intact and breathing calmly. I lay a hand on her back, shaking with relief.
“Fucking hell,” whispers Johnny, his voice awed.
I glance up at him. “Go make sure it’s safe to bring her down.”
He nods and disappears.
I inhale. Exhale. Listen to the soft whispers of my little girl breathing. My eyes water as tension slowly leaves me. I hadn’t acknowledged how afraid I really was, but now it overwhelms me. I never knew how deep love for another human being can run, but I love this little lady, and I love her mother. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure they’re happy and safe.
I jerk when the radio cracks to life in my ear.
“It’s all right to come down,” says Salvatore. “There’s no one left.”
“Okay. Be right with you.” I shake Cecilia slightly, trying to wake her, but she keeps sleeping.
“Is the little one all right?” asks Salvatore.
Horror rises in me as I shake her again and then lift her limp little body. Clutching her close, I start down the corridor, down the stairs.