Page 45 of The P*ssy Next Door
“Like I said, flower, I've got plans for you. And they involve you calling my name as I make you come for, oh, let's say the dozenth time.”
“Oh really? And how many times are you going to come?”
“As many as you say I can.” His eyes went dark with an instant shimmer of arousal that had me going all squidgy on the inside too.
“That is an excellent plan indeed,” I said softly. “But what if Xander shows up again?”
Hayes grinned, looking entirely too pleased with himself. “Already taken care of. I called in a favor with Flynn and Gryff. The captains of the team just happen to be calling a mandatory meeting tonight. We won't be interrupted.”
I laughed, shaking my head in amazement. “You're something else, Kingman.”
“And you love me for it.” He said it jokingly, but there was a hint of vulnerability in his eyes, a silent question.
I swallowed hard, my heart racing like I was the one running down the field slipping past defenders and scoring touchdowns.
“I do,” I whispered, holding his gaze.
The wattage of his answering smile could have powered the entire city block.
He literally leaped over the counter and kissed me, and kissed me, and kissed me. I melted into him and lived fully in this passionate moment, not worrying about the future, how we were going to make this work, where I would be in a few months, or what anyone wanted except for the two of us right here, right now.
Hayes grabbed me around the waist and lifted me up, placing my butt right on the counter, then pushed his way between my knees. He reached for the buttons on my coffee shop polo but changed his mind and dropped his hands to the button on my pants.
“Whoa there, Mustang. We are not having sex on the coffee shop counter, especially not while that little neon sign over there says that it's still open.” I slapped his hand away when he popped my pants open anyway. “Do you know how much disinfectant I'd have to use to clean up if we had sex right here?”
“I will buy you a new counter.” I had no doubt that he could. But that wasn't the point. “Besides, I have it on good authority that I could get you to say you love me out loud if I bend you over this counter.”
Was that what this franticness was really all about? I'd implied the words a few moments ago, but this sweet, adorable man needed to hear them from me. I was sorry I hadn't already said it.
I placed his cheeks in my palms and gave him a soft, slow, lingering kiss. “Hayes, I've fallen in love with you. I'm sorry if I made you doubt those feelings earlier today.”
Relief and joy and love bubbled up in his eyes and he lifted me up again, spinning me around and around, making me dizzy with his excitement. I wrapped my legs around him and squealed, exactly like a little girl on a park merry-go-round, loving the thrill of it all. Loving him.
“I fucking love you so much I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't get to tell you.” He slowed and set me on the counter again and leaned in for another kiss.
I slid my hand between where our mouths would have met. “You'd better save that exploding for the bedroom, mister.”
He laughed, and, my god, was his happiness infectious.
“Help me lock up, and then take me home, Kingman.” I slid back off the counter and handed him a towel to wipe the counter off with. “You've got a busy night counting orgasms ahead of you.”
This wasn't really about the sex or how many orgasms either of us had. The rush of feelings flowing through me was like nothing I could even describe, and it was far better than any sex.
But to be fair, I hadn't had my brains fucked out by Hayes Kingman yet.
We stepped up to the front of my house and I scooped up the box from Amazon off my steps. I tossed it onto the kitchen counter when we got inside because packages could wait. I could not.
However, Seven had other plans. He jumped directly onto the box and began singing the song of his people. By which I mean yowling his head off. Willa's eyes widened and she pointed to the box. “What exactly is in there?”
Something that had better occupy Seven or I was going to feed him to a Klingon Targ. I slashed at the top of the box with my house key and sliced that sucker open. Willa gasped and then giggled at the sight of the cat food cans and disposable litter trays, and the reason for the yowling, a spilled container of something called Kitty Crack, which was really just some reportedly strong catnip. “Hayes, what...?”
I grinned, rubbing the back of my neck. “I figured if Seven's going to be a regular visitor, I should be prepared.”
She turned to me, putting a whole hell of a lot of extra emotion onto her face, and only laughed twice before she said, “You are... the most wonderful cat dad ever. You know that?”