Page 49 of The P*ssy Next Door
Wait, had he fucked my brains out? Sure felt like it, because there was nothing up there but ooey gooey mush.
“Earth to Willa,” Trixie's amused voice snapped me out of my daydreams. She and Marie were standing at the counter, matching Cheshire grins on their faces.
I felt my cheeks heat, but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. “Sorry, ladies. What can I get for you?”
Marie leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, I think we'd rather hear about what's got you looking like the cat that ate the canary.”
I bit my lip, my mind flashing back to the feel of Hayes's mouth on me. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Trixie snorted, exchanging a knowing look with Marie. “Please. You're practically glowing. I know that look. That's the 'I just had mind-blowing sex with a Kingman' look.”
I nearly dropped the mug I was holding, my jaw falling open. “Trixie.”
Although, she would know. I'd Googled her and Chris since I got home, and that was quite the fun sex scandal and subsequent sex positive messaging they'd dealt out in return. I actually really admired her for it.
Trixie held up her hands, laughing. “Hey, no judgment here. I'm simply happy to see you and Hayes finally got your act together. According to Chris, that boy's been pining for you.”
I couldn't help but smile at that, my heart fluttering in my chest. “I guess I just needed a little push to realize what was right in front of me.”
Marie reached across the counter, squeezing my hand. “We're happy for you, sweetie. I told you I thought you'd be joining the Cowgirls sooner rather than later. Now we have to help support your small business.”
There was no denying I was officially a lover of a Denver Mustang now. Hayes's fame didn't matter to me personally, but already it was opening up networking opportunities to help the coffee shop.
“It's not actually mine, you know.” I pointed to the picture framed along with their first dollar bill from their first sale that hung near the cash register. “My uncles are the real owners. I'm just temporarily running it while they're on an extended and well-deserved vacation.”
“That is very generous and amazing of you.” Marie folded her arms and studied me for a moment. “And do you have plans for after they're back?”
Gulp. “Not yet. Right now I'm living in the moment. I want to do everything I can to make this place a success so when they get back, it's a healthy business for them.”
Trixie nodded but tipped her head to the side. “But aren't you a teacher? You said something about living abroad before. Maybe you could look for a teaching position here, you know, after your uncles get back.”
I wasn't ready to think about all of that, much less talk about it. “I'm not that kind of teacher. I didn't go to college or anything. I just teach English as a foreign language to little kids.”
“There's no just about that,” Marie said. “We need those kinds of skills in Colorado too, dear.”
Umm, I hadn't really thought about that. But just hearing that there could be a job for me in Denver kind of gave me the heebie-jeebies. A job here meant being stuck here.
Nope. No. I was not thinking about that now. I was living in a happy brains-fucked-out bliss for today, tomorrow, and the rest of the near future. “Right. Sure. But let me show you the plans I have for what we can do for the Cowgirls and Cowpals here at Cool Beans.”
I spent the next few minutes telling them about my plans for the coffee shop, including the upcoming cat adoption event. I knew Marie Manniway was famous for doing philanthropic work, so I hoped that would appeal to her. Trixie was particularly thrilled to hear about the spicy romance book club idea and promised to not only spread the word but participate. She said she might even know some published authors who would send swag for the readers, or even Zoom in to say hello and answer questions.
That would be incredibly cool. Authors were my rockstars.
Before they left, a woman from the local bakery arrived with the orders I'd placed for the new cat-themed pastries to go with the cat-themed drinks. They were my secret weapon for the day the actual cats that were coming to hopefully be adopted came in. I took pictures and posted them to the shop's new InstaSnap, tagging the bakery.
Marie went on and gave the post a heart and commented that she'd be at the event in a couple of days. Which, to my surprise, made my phone blow up with notifications.
Over the next couple of days, I did not get to see Hayes as often as I wanted. I only slept over twice. Although Seven slept over every night. At this point he was basically living at Hayes's house. Hayes even ordered him a very elaborate cat tree that now stood next to his live streaming and gaming set up in the living room.
One of the nights my mother called and insisted she wanted to take me Christmas shopping, and we met Xander out at The Mall of the Rockies. We stayed until closing, which, since it was December, was ridiculously late. While Hayes insisted he had plenty of stamina and didn't need a full eight hours of sleep, I knew better.He was a professional athlete who needed his rest.So instead of going over, I texted him a picture of my boobs and told him to have sweet dreams.
Strangely, the next night, my dad asked for my help picking out a present for my mom, and we once again met Xander, but this time downtown at the fancy pants Peachy Creek Mall. I was definitely missing the small shops that the rest of the world bought their things at instead of these giant American islands of mass consumerism.
I'd never known my parents to care so much about getting their shopping done. The last few years while I was abroad, they just put money into my account. Xan said it was because this would be the first Christmas all of us could be together since I'd gone galivanting around the world.
Hayes and I did make up for lost time when he did as promised and bent me over the desk in the back room after closing the shop one evening. Another new kink unlocked that night when I learned I really liked it when he wrapped my hair around his fist and pulled on it while he was fucking me from behind. Good times, good times.
Cool Beans was busier than it had ever been, the tables filled most mornings with chattering customers, and the line at the counter was steadily growing. But it still wasn't enough to get the numbers out of the red. I did have someone call to book our first after-hours event on Sunday night.