Page 37 of Wild Ace
“Alright.” I pass the rest of my trays of chips to Gerardo. “I know how much is here. So don’t think I won’t count my money when I get it.”
“Of course, Miss.”
Oh, how the tables have turned.
I follow the guy sent to escort me wherever Vinny has told him to take me, not bothering to ask where that is.
I can’t wait to hear what Vinny has to say about me taking his casino’s money. I have no doubt he didn’t expect this from me.
Chapter 14
I just checked in with the backroom, and we have a full room tonight. When my father opened The Aces, he created a hidden back hallway and room that’s strictly high stakes, no holds barred gambling.
The only way to access it is by invite or referral, and we offer a place to win without having the government take half your earnings. We take 25% instead.
We have signal jammers in the room to protect both us and our players, so it’s not until I step out of the hidden door that leads me back to another hallway off the main floor that Javie stops me.
“Hey, boss, there’s a girl at one of our blackjack tables that’s been flagged. She’s been playing for a couple hours now and keeps winning.”
“How much is she up?”
“100 grand. Give or take. She’s being escorted to the cashier’s window now.” He hands me the tablet in his hands that has a live security feed of one of my pit bosses escorting a woman in a sexy little silver dress through the casino.
Tapping the screen, I switch to another camera angle and smile like a goddamn madman.
“What is it, boss?” Javie asks, confused by my smile.
“I want you to go and get Ms. Manzato and bring her to one of our holding rooms. Tell Gerardo over your comm to wait where he is for you and then to cash her chips and bring them to me in my office.”
“Got it.” He nods, not questioning me.
My girl is good at blackjack. I fucking love that. And I know exactly why she came here tonight, and it makes me fucking hard.
I’ve been walking around in a shit mood all day since Lindsay called and told me Lexi sent her away and to tell me her services weren’t needed.
I expected her to storm over here straight away like she did last time, and when she didn’t, I thought I went too far.
Yet here she is, taking her revenge by taking my money.
Our holding rooms for cheaters are on the opposite side of the casino, and I’m going to let her get a little comfortable in one before I go to her.
In my office bathroom, I wash my hands, splash water on my face, and run my damp hands through my hair. Patting my face dry, I spray myself with my cologne. If my girl is going to be mad at me, I’m going to look and smell my best. I need all the leverage I’ve got.
There’s a knock at my office door, and when I open it, Gerardo is standing there with a metal briefcase in hand.
“102 grand,” he says, handing me the case.
“Thank you. You can go back to the floor.”
Nodding, he backs away and I close the door, taking the briefcase to my desk. I pop the clasps and open it, smiling at the sight of the neatly stacked bundles of cash.
Lexi Manzato keeps surprising me, and I fucking love it.
I check my watch and pour myself a finger of whiskey, knocking it back in a single shot. If I was a crueler man, I would let her sit a while longer to make it seem like she’s in trouble. But the truth is, I need to see her. I’ve needed to see her for over a week now.
Closing the briefcase again, I make my way across the casino to the holding rooms.