Page 38 of Exile and Embrace
So much blood.
I’m going to be sick. This is so much more than I signed up for.
With another step back, something sharp jabs me in the foot, a zing running up my leg.
I yelp and grab onto my foot, looking down at it.
Blood. I’m bleeding.
I hop up onto the edge of the counter, lifting my bleeding foot into my lap.
The dim light reflects on the shard that has embedded itself deep into my skin and is now sticking out of my heel.
Finn’s bloody state is momentarily forgotten as I pinch the piece of glass and pull it out. I wince.
“Shit, that hurt.”
He takes a step in my direction.
“Wait! You’ll hurt yourself further.”
He huffs but stops. “I need to see if you’re okay.”
“Just give me a second, no need for both of us to get cut.”
I need to stop the bleeding to make sure the glass is all out, so I grab a wad of paper towel from the roll and hold it against my foot, that’s bleeding even more now. I gasp at the sting.
“Damn it, Ava. Please say something. Is it bad?” He’s pacing back and forth but not coming any closer to where the broken glass is littering the floor. Good.
“Don’t worry about me. Tell me why you’re standing here looking like you’re straight out of a fucking horror movie?” My voice rises as I gesture my free hand at him. “Is that your blood? Are you hurt? Where the hell were you?”
“Ava, you need to calm the fuck down. It’s been a long night already, so fighting you is the last thing I need right now.”
“Calm down? Look at you! You’re a walking crime scene.” With a sharp inhale, I pull away the paper towel and stick my foot in the sink letting the water run over the gash. “What happened?”
“That’s my business.”
“You’re wrong. It’s my business too. I can’t tell if that’s your blood or not. If it’s someone else’s, then you’re putting us both in danger. I said that I would help you, Finn, but I’m not going to fucking jail for you.”
The cool water runs pink until all the blood is washed from my skin. I grab a clean towel and wrap it around my foot. Some blood is still trickling out, but not much anymore.
I crawl to the other side of the counter and check for glass before hopping down.
He pulls a plastic bag out of the front closet and stuffs the clothes inside. “It’s mostly not my blood and I’ve got this.”
“Mostly? That means some of it is yours? Where are you hurt?” My eyes scan his body, but the blood in the clothes has seeped inside, and he is covered in it.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s not that bad. Is your foot better?”
I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Yes, now, go to the washroom. I’ll grab my medical kit and help you patch up.”
Finn stares at me for a moment before heading down the hall.
I leave the glass and water on the floor for now. It doesn’t matter.
Not when I need to know what the hell I’ve gotten myself into.