Page 143 of Vengeful Vows
I hum, still breathing hard.
“Have you ever thought about having kids?”
My eyes widen. “Why?”
“I’m not pregnant or anything,” she blurts out, and I relax. “But we haven’t been using protection, and... it could happen.”
“If it happens, it happens.”
She frowns. “That’s a pretty breezy way to handle it.”
“So?” I shrug. “I’d love to have a little you running around.”
“What if it’s a little you?”
“Oh, god,” I groan, and she smacks my chest.
I laugh and catch her hand in mine, kissing her knuckles “I’m just kidding, a ghra mo chroi. Whatever happens with us and our future kids, I’ll be happy.”
“That’s all I want,” she murmurs. “For us to be happy.”
“And we will be. With one kid or five.”
“Five?” She blanches.
“The Irish have big families.”
“Five,” she mutters, and puts her head back on my chest.
I smile, wondering what she’d look like all full and swollen with my baby. The thought makes me happy and also, a little aroused.
What better way to show she’s mine than to get her pregnant?
“I’ve decided we should try for number one.” I slip my hand down her body to trail my fingers through her wetness.
She gasps. “What, we’re going to name them all numbers?”
I laugh against her mouth before pressing back into her.
A month has gone by since we came back from our honeymoon and life is perfect. Or so I thought.
Bree walks up to me, her hazel eyes worried and wet.
“What’s wrong, baby?” My voice comes out all gruff from sleep.
I’ve just started to get dressed.
“Number one is coming."
“Number what now?”
“Number one,” she whispers, and she holds up a stick with two pink lines on it.
I’m frozen, just staring at it for a long moment, and her brows draw together as she looks up at me.
When my body finally catches up to my brain, I whoop, grabbing her around the waist and twirling her around.