Page 37 of Vengeful Vows
I have no interest in anyone else, and though this just seems like a new set of prison bars, I’m not sure if the circumstances were different if I wouldn’t choose him.
I’m angry and frustrated, and I need to get away from Declan for a bit.
I leave our room and walk down the stairs after Paige and into the dining room, sitting down in my usual spot next to Lara, Paige sitting on the other side of her.
Declan comes down, his face blank and serious, and he sits next to me.
The only member of the Burke family who isn’t here is Gray.
I guess Patrick sees me looking over at Gray’s empty seat because he comments on it.
“Gray’s taking care of some business.”
I look over at Declan. He’s the second-born, so I guess he doesn’t have a direct line to everything about the business. I don’t, either. My father doesn’t share business with me, except for numbers, and only because I have a good head for it.
“I was thinking.” Patrick’s voice jolts me out of my thoughts.
“Don’t do that.” Paige giggles. “That’s probably what I smell burning.”
“Nothing’s burning,” Marisol chides, eating at the end of the table. She often joins us, too. The Burkes seem to be kind to their staff, which again, is unusual.
My dad treats them as the help and nothing else. He says with as much as he pays them, they deserve it.
I’ve always been kind to our staff, but it’s strange to see the whole family treating them well, almost like they’re part of the family.
“Very funny, a’stor,” Patrick says with a chuckle. “But I was thinking how Declan and Bree didn’t get a real honeymoon.”
A honeymoon?
I look down at my food.
Why does this whole family act like I chose this instead of being forced into it? Why would I want to go on a honeymoon?
“Where were you thinking, Da?” Paige is almost jumping up and down on her seat. “I can help Bree pick out some new clothes to take with her.”
“How about Nevada?” he suggests. “Declan likes Vegas.”
Las Vegas is one of the few places in the country I haven’t been. My father always called gambling a waste of time, but I have to admit, I’ve always wanted to try it.
I look up at Patrick. “I’ve never been to Las Vegas.”
“Then it’s perfect!”
“Is it?” I look at him. “We all know how this marriage came to be.”
Patrick smiles, reaching over to pat my hand. “I still think you could have some fun in Vegas, especially since you’ve never been. Just a week.” He looks over at Declan. “Besides, I have some work for you to do out there. I need you to relay a few messages to John Renno. I’ve already booked you two at the Four Seasons. You leave tomorrow afternoon.”
“You would have me doing work on my honeymoon?” Declan smiles. “All right, Da. Vegas sounds good.”
“I’m paying,” Patrick insists.
John Renno.
The name doesn’t sound familiar, but I file it away in my brain, hoping that it might come in handy later.
Patrick looks at me. Maybe he is waiting for me to respond.
“Does it really matter if I say yes or no?”