Page 44 of Ice Cold Heart
He clutched his chest. “Ah, but what a way to go.”
The other guy’s expression darkened, and I wondered about his connection. Avery had only mentioned one person from her previous school—the ex. Kane hadn’t recognized her when he’d run into us at the rink though. The urge to punch first and ask questions later told me we needed to leave.
Coach had rules against fighting—mostly, don’t get caught—but the school was adamant. They didn’t want any bad press after the football fiasco, so they were extremely strict about violence on and off the ice. Normally, the rule didn’t affect me, but Avery brought out a protective streak that didn’t give a shit about the consequences.
Luckily, Reece had the same idea. He looped his arm through Mase’s, ignoring the glare our friend leveled on him. “Always a fun time, Kane. Good luck with your quest to be top asshole at a party full of assholes.”
With surprisingly little prodding, Mase let Reece lead him back toward the road. Kane’s group started to wander off, but the man himself didn’t move. We faced each other without saying anything as the chaos of the party continued around us.
One of the short dress girls tripped and bounced off the flamingo before catching herself on my shoulder. She straightened then did a double take and offered me a come-hither smile. I sighed, over the whole deal.
Her hand curled around my arm, and she not so subtly pressed her breast into my side. “Thanks for catching me. Want to get a drink?”
“Sorry, I’m not interested.” She pouted, but quickly turned her attention to the guy in front of me.
Kane whistled at the girl, way more into it than I was, and completely unconcerned by the fact he was the second choice. “Damn, baby, you look like my dreams just came true.”
She teetered toward him on heels sinking into the grass and did the same maneuver she’d just used on me. “Naughty dreams, I hope?”
Kane caught her around the waist and grinned down at her. “Wait for me inside?”
Her eyes flicked back to me for a second, and when I didn’t react, she turned her smile on him. “Don’t take long.”
With a flip of her blonde hair over her shoulder, she walked to the house without a single wobble. Puck bunnies were getting more aggressive every year. I imagined it would only be worse in the pros.
I remembered Avery’s mention of his girlfriend and told myself it was none of my business, then I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. “Does your girlfriend know you’re out here trolling for other women?”
“She’s probably already asleep with a book on her face. Don’t believe the lies. Good girls are boring as shit in bed.”
I hoped his girlfriend wised up and dumped his ass, but she wasn’t my concern. Avery was. I couldn’t leave without making sure Kane knew I’d come for him if he so much as breathed in her direction.
“Duly noted. Stay away from Avery or next time I’ll let Mase exorcize his inner demons on your face.”
“Aww, too wholesome to fight your own battles?”
“Too busy to deal with your bullshit. Your mind games won’t work on me, and we’re going to kick your ass on the ice. Why don’t you take your crew back to Easton where you belong?”
Kane laughed. “I have bad news for you, Mathis. You’re going to be seeing a lot more of me. I’m not feeling Easton anymore, and it’s time your team had a shakeup. Your coach agrees. He’s so desperate for talent he’ll offer up his daughter as fodder.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
He held his hands out and smirked. “Why do you think I’m spending so much time at TU? You’re not the only ice rink in the Dallas area. Coach Dalton wants to recruit me. The last time I was there and mentioned getting a tour of the campus, he said he’d ask his daughter since she’d just transferred from Easton. He may not be able to officially talk to me, but a lot of conversation can happen while I’m visiting.”
I frowned. With Gavin and a few others graduating, we’d need seasoned players for next year while we trained the sophomores. We were competitive, but TU had a better program than Easton. Against a lot of odds, both schools were competing for the regional championship on the way to the Frozen Four. As much as I hated the idea of playing with Kane, I understood why Coach would try to get him at TU. Even if I wanted to toss him in a dumpster.
College sports was a business. We all knew what we were getting into when we accepted our spots on the team, but I didn’t understand why Coach would offer him Avery on a silver platter when he’d nearly torn Reece’s head off for flirting with her.
Kane could be lying, but the smug amusement on his face said otherwise. In the end, it didn’t matter. Avery had barely been willing to help me, and we’d already been on our way to friends. Judging from the way she verbally castrated him in the arena, she wouldn’t be interested in playing tour guide for him. Especially if her dad asked her to do it.
Avery didn’t need me to protect her, but I sure as hell planned to anyway.
“I’ll see you on the ice,” I promised Kane, then left him to find my roommates.
I caught up to them at Reece’s car three houses over. Mase was lying on the sidewalk, flat on his back with his eyes closed.
“I swear to all that’s holy, Mase, get your ass in the car,” Reece didn’t lose his temper often, but the snap in his tone said he was at the end of his patience.
Mase winced and put a finger to his lips. “Shh. I’m trying to find the center.”