Page 50 of Ice Cold Heart
“Nah, things went smoothly while you were gone. Tobias Kane has been hanging around with some of his meathead friends.”
“I heard about that.”
I rolled my eyes. He hadn’t mentioned anything in the group chat, but Reece liked to hear himself talk. He’d probably called Gavin after our run-in at the Kappa party while I’d been brooding about Avery’s not-subtle attempt to push me away. We drank in silence for a couple of beats before I decided on an innocent enough question.
“Did you know Coach had a daughter?”
“I do now,” he took a big gulp and gestured at Eva with the cup. “She knew.”
“Of course she did. We’ve been spending time together—she’s helping me with that lit class.” I didn’t need to say anything more. Gavin knew which one.
“And now you’re fucking her and need help?” He also apparently knew our relationship wasn’t strictly friendship. Maybe Eva was rubbing off on him.
“Not entirely. Reece and Mase already helped.”
“Oh no,” he groaned. “Tell me you didn’t take whatever advice Reece gave you.”
I held my arms out. “Do I look like I’ve been castrated? Also, I’m not fucking her.” Technically. “I like her. I want to spend time with her, but she’s skittish about a relationship thanks to the asshole she dated before. Not to mention Coach would destroy me if I hurt her.”
Gavin studied me for a second. “Are you going to hurt her?”
“Hell no. I’d trade both my balls and an arm if it meant making her happy.”
“Just the one arm?” he deadpanned.
I bumped his shoulder. “Only need one to outshoot you.”
He grunted into his coffee. “Does Coach know?”
“God I hope not.”
“Good. I wouldn’t tell him unless it’s serious or you do something insanely stupid like get her pregnant.”
I rubbed the spot between my brows where the headache had migrated. “I was really hoping you’d have better advice, but I clearly need to talk to Eva.”
He shrugged. “I’m not going to argue that. She’s better at this shit.”
We both looked toward the couch in time to see her rear back.
“What?” she squealed. “No, I’m not married. Who gave you that idea?”
I ducked farther into the kitchen as Gavin chuckled.
“Give me time,” he said quietly.
After his useless advice, I’d have to corner Eva somewhere, preferably away from prying ears. I’d rather it not get around I was interested in Coach’s daughter until I convinced her to be interested in me back. Gavin wouldn’t talk, and surprisingly, neither would Reece. Stephen was a wild card.
I could wait until he left to broach the subject. It wasn’t like I wouldn’t see Avery ever again. She’d have to be present for our next tutoring session at the library. Once we scheduled it. As soon as she started responding to me again. I groaned silently and took my coffee upstairs to get ready, stepping around Henry as she flapped around trying to get Eva’s attention.
I was in a foul mood for practice. Less than half the team showed up, and I’d forgotten my favorite gloves at home. Originally, Reece and Mase had said they’d meet me here, but I only gave it a fifty percent shot since I hadn’t heard Reece come in after his night of debauchery. At least he’d learned his lesson and left Mase at home this time.
As for my grumpy roommate, he’d disappeared into his lair after we got his drunk ass back to the house the other night, and I hadn’t seen him since. I’d be worried if he hadn’t left me a note by the peanut butter essentially telling me to stop freaking out. I didn’t believe a word of it, but he’d been coherent enough to write it and realize his actions might be problematic.
Either way, I’d come to practice alone, and those assholes were still missing. We all needed to stay sharp if we wanted to bring home TU’s first hockey championship. Gavin had left while I was showering, showing up early as always to help lead the team. He was the captain for a reason, no matter what Reece thought.