Page 62 of Ice Cold Heart
She shook her head. “I’m not getting naked with you in questionable water.”
“You don’t have to get naked. I’d obviously prefer it for a genuine skinny-dipping experience, but your undies are good enough.”
“And when we put on a show for the neighbors because you can’t keep your hands off me?”
“Baby, your state of undress has nothing to do with me wanting my hands on you at all times.”
She straightened and gripped the hem of her shirt, then hesitated. “It’s safe to swim in?”
“It’s safe. I wouldn’t bring you here if you could get hurt.”
My answer must have appeased her because she shed her clothes and set them in a neat pile. I watched her, happy she was comfortable enough with me to not only try something new, but to do it naked. My chest ached with pride—and need.
“The water feels good,” I lied, beckoning her toward me.
We may have been in the middle of an unseasonal warm stretch, but the water was still fucking cold. If Avery was concerned about putting on a show for the neighbors, she had nothing to worry about. I wasn’t even sure I could find my dick at this point.
Avery grinned, mischievous in the moonlight, before running down the tiny pier and launching herself into the water next to me.
She surfaced with a sputter. “Fuck, that’s cold.”
I laughed as I pulled her against me, wet skin slipping and sliding until she wrapped her legs around my waist. My dick went from frozen to half mast, and I had to admit I was wrong. We were definitely going to put on a show for the neighbors.
Avery tucked her hands between us and rested her head on my shoulder to stare up at the smattering of stars above us. “You were right. It’s beautiful out here. Though I’m still not convinced we had to get naked in a freezing cold pond to enjoy it.”
“It’s about the experience.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to experience this with anyone but you,” she said softly.
“Same, city girl.” I rubbed her back, content to hold her as the night settled around us. Water lapped at the shore, and an owl hooted from the trees.
We talked for a while about whatever crossed our minds, but when she started shivering slightly, I got her out of the water and over to the towels I’d tossed by the pier. Avery hopped from foot to foot drying off, then quickly put on her clothes. In a show of masculine strength, I tried to be chill about the goosebumps and blue lips, but Avery snapped her wet towel at me.
“Hurry it up, farm boy. You’re no use to me if you’re a popsicle.”
I pulled up my sweats, grabbed the rest of my clothes in a fist, and sprinted at her. Her mouth formed an O, and she hesitated a precious second before whirling to run for the house. I’d have caught her without the hesitation, but she barely made it four steps before I swept her up and over my shoulder with one arm.
“Cole, put me down,” she gasped.
“Not going to happen.” I spread my hand over her ass to keep her steady. “I’m about to show you how much use I can be.”
I took her through the gate into the dark backyard. The lack of gear meant the guys and Eva hadn’t made it home yet. Sometimes they went out to eat after, but I had no way to know since my phone was inside. Instead of going into the house, I made a beeline for the wrought iron table Eva had put out here.
When I leaned forward, Avery slid off my shoulder, but she didn’t go far. I caught her ass and set her on the edge of the table, stepping between her legs. The clothes and towels I carried ended up in the dirt because she was right—I couldn’t keep my hands off her.
I cupped the back of her neck and kissed her like I’d wanted to when I first got home. She devoured me back, nipping at my bottom lip. Despite the layers of clothes between us, I tilted my hips forward and rubbed my cock against her clit.
Avery whimpered with every slow stroke, and her eyes drifted closed as she shifted forward to add her own friction. I took advantage of the position to pay homage to the hard nipples clearly visible through the thin material of her shirt.
She hadn’t bothered to put on her bra or panties, and I told myself we’d go skinny-dipping again during the summer when I’d show her how fun the water could be. I’d take her to Grandpa’s farm and make love to her under the endless stars on the bluff at the edge of his land. I’d convince her to stay every night at my place so I could worship her body and sleep with her in my arms.
I’d keep her with me forever if she’d let me.
Avery was mine in every way that counted, and I wanted the world to see it. In my haze, I sucked hard on her neck, fully intending to leave a mark. She hooked a hand behind my head and held me closer, urging me on.
Even with my control all but gone, I had enough restraint left to offer her a choice. “Here or inside?”
“Here,” she breathed, without hesitation.