Page 32 of The Unseelie Wish
Using both his hands and his tail, he quickly stripped her of the rest of her clothes. Much better.
Kissing her temple, he pinched her hard nipples, chuckling darkly in her ear as she cried out in pain. “That’s the kind of singing I want to hear tonight. But we’ve only just begun.”
Little by little, he wrapped his tail around her, parting her legs wide. So slowly that he hoped she didn’t quite notice through all the rest of his ministrations. He wanted her to find herself exposed and defenseless when she saw the reality of what she was in for.
Curling his tail, he lifted a portion in front of her.
Perhaps she thought he might have resembled more of the anatomy of a man—perhaps she thought they were located right where she was sitting. Either both were likely the case, judging by how her eyes shot wide as saucers and she thrashed, her desire to run away suddenly renewed.
It was too late. She was trapped in his coils.
He slapped a hand over her mouth to dampen rather violent obscenities she was suddenly issuing in his direction. “Now, now…you can’t say you’re that surprised. I did warn you, didn’t I?”
She thrashed again, elbowing him. He couldn’t have cared less. One hand still clamped over her mouth, he slid the other down her stomach, trailing over her navel and slowly lower, until he found her core. He moaned at what he found before he couldn’t help himself and drove two of his fingers deep into her eager, waiting body.
She wanted him. She needed him. Just as badly as he did her.
Love will follow. Love must follow. But for now—just now—I’ll relish this.
Listening to her muffled curses turn to moans of pleasure, he removed his hand from her mouth while sinking a third finger into her, slow but unstoppable. “That’s it, songbird…that’s it…now—last chance to tell me to stop.”
Air left her lungs like he’d punched her in the stomach. She was trembling, her body clenching down around him as twinges of pleasure shot through her. But her eyes were locked on him, on what he was going to sink deep into her body if she didn’t turn him away.
A fourth finger, stretching her, sent her eyes slamming shut as he did his best to prepare her. If it hurt, the sound she made said otherwise. Ecstasy crashed over her in a wave as she clamped down on him, release coursing through her. One of her hands tangled in his hair, clenching it tight, the other holding on to his wrist for dear life.
He hummed, more than a little pleased, into her ear. “If you liked that…just think of what it’ll feel like.”
Alex growled in breathy frustration. “Fuck you?—”
That very much was the plan.
She’d lost her mind. She’d lost her fucking goddamn mind. What was she thinking? Look at him! She was going to—he was going to—they weren’t even human! They were anything but! And for fuck’s sake, there were two!
Panicked thoughts raced through her head even as Izael’s hands wandered her body. She should tell him to stop. Just open her mouth and say “no” or “I changed my mind.” Anything—literally anything!
They had emerged from his body, some three-quarters of the length down his tail. It meant he could be at her back, kneading her breasts or sinking his fingers deep into her body—while at the same time he could lay his two inhuman things on her stomach.
“Don’t be shy,” he murmured into her ear. “They’re not the part of me that bites.” He nipped her ear.
I’ve lost my mind. His insanity is contagious. But she couldn’t help it. Curiosity and need won out. She ran her hand over one of them, feeling it twitch against her fingers as she grasped its length. It wasn’t human—pointed sharply at the end and ridged along its length. It was certainly longer than anything she was used to, if maybe on the slightly slimmer side.
The problem was that was one of them.
There were two.
Undulating his tail, he slid the one length through her grasp, moaning in her ear. Reflexively, she tightened her grip, finding herself biting down on her lower lip as she watched. It was hot to the touch—almost impossibly so.
All questions of why, or how, or should, were completely thrown from her head. He was right. She wanted to know how they felt. If she could handle him. What it would feel like to try.
Grasping his second in her other hand, she let him set the speed.
“That’s—ah—that’s it—” He wrapped an arm tight around her, holding her still. Shuddering, he pulled himself out of her grasp. “Mmh, easy there. Don’t want to end before we’ve begun.”
When he drifted his tail lower, panic took over. “Wait!” Sitting up, she tried to push them away.
Grabbing her wrists with his hands, he yanked her back down, pulling her wrists up over her head and pinning them there with another coil of his tail. “Sssh, now…” His hands ran down her stomach to her inner thighs, before taking one of his strange, inhuman lengths in his hand and guiding it to her entrance.