Page 15 of Love to the Rescue
“It’s fine. My mother is still there along with a few of my siblings. We are kind of spread out.”
“I’ve got three siblings. I’m the baby,” she said. “How about you?”
“I’ve got seven. I’m the second oldest.”
He didn’t seem put off by her not volunteering more as he was keeping it simple too. It was for the best right now.
“Eight kids,” she said. The way his eyes softened talking about his mother and father, she was going to assume they’d been married when his father died. “Your parents were busy.”
He laughed. “They were. Every leave my father had, he left my mother with more than goodbye kisses.”
It was the way he’d said it that had her smiling. “How old is the youngest?”
“My sister is twenty-two. Eleven years younger than me.”
She cringed. That was only two years younger than her. She hadn’t realized Braylon was almost ten years older than her.
“Since you shared your age, I’m twenty-four.” He was still grinning at her. “By your look I’m sure you figured as much.”
“A good guess that you weren’t much older. I know where you work but not what you do.”
“Well, not what I thought I was going to do when I took the job,” she said drily.
“I think that is normally what happens to people when they move here.”
“So I’m learning. I went to college in Plattsburg for communications. I applied for an assistant communications manager position. What I got was an assistanttothe communications manager.”
No reason to lie or make her job out to be more glamorous than it was. He’d seen her at her worst being a gopher.
“We all have to start somewhere,” he said.
“What do you do?” she asked. Their sandwiches were brought over. This was going to be a fast lunch. And though she could take more than an hour being salary and no one would notice or care, she wouldn’t take advantage of things.
Besides, she knew Braylon was a busy man.
“I’m an attorney,” he said.
Figures. Way out of her league and Lilian wasn’t sure why she was even thinking otherwise.
“You look the part.”
He choked on his bite of sandwich and then covered his mouth when he coughed. “How is that?”
“The suit,” she said. “You’re classy but in an understated way. I bet you’re a business attorney.”
“Because they dress boring?” he asked.
There was humor in his eyes.
“You don’t dress boring in the least. You’re just not flashy. A lot of attorneys from my experience since living here are flashy in their clothing choices.”
Her eyes drifted to the watch on his wrist. Nothing expensive. Just an iWatch. She bet it was for convenience so he could check a message without always pulling his phone out.
Though she’d bet his suit cost more than her biweekly paycheck, he wasn’t trying to brag about wealth either.
“I don’t think I'm much of a flashy person,” he said. “I come from a pretty humble background.”
Which she liked. “Maybe that is why you were nice and helped out rather than adding to what was going on in the cafe.”