Page 31 of Love to the Rescue
“They are getting there,” West said. “He wants to wear the big boy panties, so I sent him in to find out what the hell is going on there with packaging.”
“And he ruffled feathers,” he said.
“I knew he would. I think it was needed.”
Braylon snorted. “You did it on purpose?”
“Yes and no. I don’t always like Nelson’s approach, but he’s not me and he’s not you. If I went in and overrode what he’d said or was doing, I would be diminishing his power.”
“No showing weakness,” he said. “I get it.
“That’s right. I’ve had words with Nelson a few times. I’ve been guiding him the best I can.”
“Which he needs,” he said. “Tell him to reach out to me if you want.”
“That is why I texted you. He needs to sit down with you one on one. I think having one of the corporate attorneys show up will rattle the employees too.”
His shoulders dropped. “When am I leaving for Utah?”
“Tuesday,” he said. “Just for two days. That should do it.”
That wouldn’t be the end of the world, he thought. He’d try to get to the coffee shop tomorrow when Lilian was placing her orders. Let the two of them be seen again. Then he could tell her he was leaving for a few days.
Maybe when he got back they could try for lunch. Dinner was probably easier with his schedule.
“I’ll get everything I need ready. Does Thomas know?”
“I sent him an email last night. How are things there?”
“Fine,” he said. “Why?”
“You never say otherwise, but I know they aren’t always. Thomas is a bit of a hard ass.”
“I can handle it,” he said. “I’ve lived with you.”
“True enough,” West said. “I want to know if Thomas is pushing the boundaries. He’s good at what he does and I’ve needed it. I wanted you to learn under him.”
“I know,” he said. “I’m not as cocky as Nelson to think I could walk out of college and start to call the shots. No reason to make mistakes and jeopardize things.”
“We all make mistakes,” West said. “You know better than anyone else I was like Nelson. I lost a few deals because of it.”
He laughed. “You did. We did together. But I’d say it’s working out in the end.”
“It is,” West said. “Which is why I’m letting Nelson start from the bottom and work his way up. He has to make mistakes and know his big brothers aren’t going to save him.”
“Within a limit,” he said. “I know. You wouldn’t do anything to hurt a business, but you wouldn’t let it be known you don’t trust Nelson just yet either.”
“Thomas has some strong opinions on Nelson and what he said in Utah. It’s better you go and clean up some of it.”
“What don’t I know?” he asked. He thought he knew everything. Or he should at least.
“I’ll fill you in tomorrow when you’re in the office. Thomas should have kept you up to date.”
“I thought he did,” he said. “But I’m trying to figure out what Nelson did other than going in like a boss when he’s not.”
“Not much more than that,” West said. “But Thomas doesn’t like dealing with that generation. You know him.”
He rolled his eyes. All the more reason to not let too many know he was dating someone the same age as Nelson. “We all have to start somewhere. I would have figured Thomas would know that. Just because Nelson could be his grandson.”