Page 61 of Love to the Rescue
“I haven’t brought it up yet,” he said. “Hoping I could convince her to meet my mother.”
Max grinned. “I can help you out there.”
“Don’t get me in trouble,” he said, laughing.
“I doubt that could happen.”
Twenty minutes later the kitchen was quiet and everyone was sitting in the family room watching TV.
“Braylon is going to get us hockey tickets to see a game the week of Christmas,” Davy said.
“Sweet,” Lara said. “We’ve been wanting to see a game.”
“That’s nice of you,” Lilian said.
“You and I will have to go to a game before that if you want,” he said.
“That will be fun,” she said.
He’d make sure they went when they returned. Normally she didn’t seem too keen on doing things like that.
“Since Braylon gave up time with his family to come meet yours for this holiday,” Max said. “Are you returning the favor and meeting the rest of his family for Christmas?”
He didn’t expect Max to just drop it like that in the room.
“Being obvious again, Braylon,” she said, laughing.
“What are we missing?” Quinn asked.
He just laughed with her.
“As you know, I put off asking Braylon to come here because I knew he normally went home. He finally brought it up a month ago and said he’d like to spend it with me. Since he knew I bought my ticket, that was his way of inviting himself.”
“Hey,” he said. “You can’t fault a guy for putting it out there, right?”
“Not if you want it enough,” Quinn said. “I might know a man like that in my life who had to make more moves than me.”
“It looks like I’m being ganged up on. Is this your way of asking me to go to North Carolina with you?” she asked.
“Yes,” he said. “I’m not sure if Abby will go or not. She went there for Thanksgiving. It’s just her father, and her sister is getting married on Saturday. Liz’s husband, Christian, has a big family, so Liz tends to spend most holidays with her in-laws. Abby’s father is included there too. But Laken and Foster will be there and you know them.”
“I like Braylon’s sister a lot,” she said.
“Sounds like it’s a done deal,” Quinn said. “We’ll see you while we are in New York if you’re around.”
“I will be,” she said. “I took the week off.”
“Oh,” Braylon said. “When were you going to tell me?”
She laughed. “Soon,” she said. “When you asked me to go with you. I figured it was coming and put in to use it for the rest of my vacation. We get Tuesday and Wednesday off anyway. I’ve got three days left and will use it for that.”
Guess he didn’t need help after all. All he had to do was ask.
“Ican’t believe it is December first already,” Lilian said when they were driving back to her place on Sunday after the holidays.