Page 109 of Daddy's Pride
“Daddy’s pet. Can I be a sloth?”
“Sweetheart, you can be any animal you like as long as you take good care of my boy. Deal?”
I snuggled in, all warm and comfy. “Deal, Daddy.”
Chapter Four
After I helped Jamie dress for bed in his cute animal-print pajamas, I tucked him in beside Henry under the unicorn canopy. “Goodnight, sweet boy.” With a quick press of my lips to his forehead, Jensen, Mitchell, and I left them to sleep.
“Scotch?” Jensen tipped the bottle at me.
A warm welcome from a nerve calmer was just what the doctor called for. “Yes, please.”
The three of us relaxed, drinks in hand. The silence between us was almost comforting. Had I ever had friends who lived the lifestyle? Other couples outside of the club? Even with Jensen, we never met away from Cordes. Man, I’d really lived my life in a shell. This right here was what my life needed.
“Isn’t it funny how quickly things changed? Take for instance Mitchell and I.” Jensen kissed his partner, having somehow read my thoughts. “We’d been friends for decades and I’d been in love with him for equally as long. One day we wandered into Henry’s bookstore and our lives were forever changed.”
“Yeah.” I stared at the glass and contemplated his story as the clear cubes swirled through the amber liquid. “That’s a beautiful meet-cute, though.”
“That it was, and it was also a time when our three hearts were in need. Tim, I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and when we second guess the chances we’re given, we lose out.” Jensen was wise beyond his years and watching as he and Mitchell gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes, it hit me how badly I longed for the same. Not a poly relationship, per se, but a soul-deep love such as theirs and what they had for Henry. Anyone who saw the three of them together witnessed it.
“Understood. But what if…” I paused for longer than I’d intended but they didn’t push me to finish. “But what if I fuck it up? Again?”
“Each relationship is different. Each boy is different. Hell, as Daddies we’re different with each boy. We may claim to be the same and while we possess the same values, cares, and concerns, the boys are actually what molds and shapes us into their ideal Daddies. When that doesn’t happen, in my opinion, it’s because it wasn’t the right Daddy-boy combo. Does that make any sense?” This was Mitchell’s first time having a boy, but Jensen had lived the lifestyle for years and knew what he was talking about. I’d do well to listen.
“There’s just something about Jamie that calls to me. I’ve never had that happen before. With each boy it’s always been about playtime and really, what they could get from me, to be honest.”
Jensen chuckled. “Yes, I’ve had a few greedy boys myself.” Mitchell sat beside him, his feet on Jensen’s lap as he mindlessly massaged them. “If it feels right, there’s a reason and the way that boy looks at you says it all.”
Whether or not I could do this was no longer a question. That sweet boy wanted me, and my heart was ready to try.
“Someone just had an a-ha moment.”
I hadn’t been aware Mitchell was paying attention as zoned out as he was.
“Something like that.”
Idle hands and all that, mine needed to be busy so I finished up the dishes. Jensen and Mitchell were getting a bit heated and although I had no problem being a voyeur, this didn’t feel like the time and place. “Hey, um, sorry to interrupt but if you guys could show me the guest room?” I hooked a thumb toward the hall.
“Absolutely. Time for us to shower and head the bed. The boys will likely be up early and begging for pancakes.” Jensen helped Mitchell up. That foot massage must’ve really been something. “Follow me.”
We stopped in front of the first door in the hall. “This is you,” Mitchell patted my shoulder. “Sweet dreams, we’ll see you in the morning.”
“Huh, how about that?” I’d just crawled into bed and decided to check my emails when it hit me, I’d not done so all day. “Just goes to show my mind’s been elsewhere.” When I’d had enough of that I shut off the light and rolled over. A certain Little filled my mind as I tried to and failed to sleep.
I’d just started to doze off when the door to my room opened and quietly closed. The sound of bare feet padded across the tile floor. I didn’t budge as the sheets were pulled back and a tiny body dipped the bed beside me. When my arms didn’t move fast enough, Jamie put them where he wanted them—around his waist.
“Night, Daddy,” Jamie whispered though he knew I was awake.
Thoroughly enjoying this moment, I pressed my lips to the top of his head. “Goodnight, Jamie. Sweet dreams.” He snuggled in and was out. I dozed off to the sound of his soft snores but woke to giggles and his erection poking my thigh.
“Went to bed a sweet boy, woke a naughty one. Tsk, tsk. Whatever shall I do with you?”
More giggles, no words.
“Hmm, I see the tickle monster coming.”
Tickle monster? Who are you and what have you done with Tim?