Page 117 of Daddy's Pride
“Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles,” Jamie sang as he set up a conga line with his toys and marched them through the bubble marsh. “Daddy?”
“Yes, sweet boy?” I started scrubbing his back with the frog bath sponge I’d bought him.
“Thank you. You turned a really yucky day into the best day ever. Mwah!” He gave my cheek a loud kiss.
“You are very welcome. I’m glad you had fun.” There was so much entertainment when you found the right boy.
Jamie’s arms shot up in the air. “I’m pruney, Daddy.”
I helped him up and wrapped him in a towel, using another to dry his hair. “All right, let’s get your pajamas on.”
“Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy.”
“Jamie, no jumping on the bed. You’re gonna break something.” I failed to mention it’d likely be his unprotected dick as it freely bounced around. “Come on, let’s get you dressed.”
As soon as he was dressed, he ran out to the living room grabbed all three of his stuffies, then came barreling back in and landed on the bed with a bounce, curling up under the sheets. “I’m ready for bed, Daddy.”
How could I not chuckle at that? This boy was full of personality and energy. “Daddy still has to get ready for bed, sweetheart. Why don't you get comfy while I lock up the house and shower and then I'll join you in a little bit?”
“Okay, Daddy.” It only took a moment to shut the lights off and lock up the house. When I came back through the room he was snuggled in with his furry friends, chatting away to them about his day. Glad my theory about what it would take to get him in the right headspace worked, he’d stayed there all evening. By the time I got to bed, he was sound asleep. I snapped a picture of him curled up with his stuffies and set it as my screensaver.
“Morning, Daddy.” I woke to a bouncy boy in my bed.
“Did my alarm go off and I missed it?”
“Nope. I had to pee then I couldn’t go back to sleep.”
“What time do you have to be to work?” I glanced at my phone, up an hour earlier than I needed to be, but okay…
“Nine. But I’m hungry, Daddy.”
Shit, I had zero breakfast foods. “Let’s get dressed and go to breakfast.” I scooped him up and he giggled all the way to the bathroom. “Brush your teeth.”
On the way out, I grabbed the spare key and gave it to Jamie. “What’s this for?”
“In case you get home before me. Sometimes appointments run late.”
“But this is a key. To your house.”
“I’m aware of that.”
“You trust me?”
“I do. The only thing in this house that’s not replaceable is you, sweet boy. Now this way you can come or go whenever you want. Oh yeah, here are the keys to the SUV.”
“You were serious about me driving it?”
“Dead serious. It has a high safety rating and I feel better knowing you’re in it.” If I had my way, we’d sell his current car for scrap metal. But we weren’t at that point in our relationship. Yet.
Jamie shook his head but followed me out.
I held the car door open for him. “Hop in. Let’s get the mirrors adjusted for you.” I showed him how to work everything, all touch screens. “Perfect, now follow me to the restaurant.”
Chapter Seven
I can’t believe this.
I can’t believe this.