Page 120 of Daddy's Pride
“No, you don’t like the SUV? We can get you something else.”
I knew he would if I said yes, but I wasn’t programmed like that. I earned my keep. “The problem isn’t not liking it. The problem is loving it and not being worthy of it. Or of you.”
“Now we’re getting somewhere. Jamie.” Daddy turned my head, so I faced him. “I’d love the names of every person who ever wronged you and made you think less of yourself. You’re amazing, and sweet, and have such a kind heart. I don’t ever see you taking advantage of me—ever. We’ve already had the Daddy and protecting you conversation. Do we need to have it again? That SUV sits most of the time and it’s perfect for you. Plus, I like seeing you in it and in my space. Now the question is, do you like being here? Being a part of my life?”
I bobbed my head and managed to whisper, “I love it here with you.”
“Then it’s settled. You can drive the SUV, or we can buy you something else.”
As if I wasn’t already a drama queen, the dramatic groan and subsequent head drop only solidified that. “This is too much.”
“You’re too much.” Daddy tickled me and nibbled my neck. “Now, let’s get some food in you.”
Daddy and I placed our first grocery order together and I put away the other stuff I’d brought. If Daddy noticed I’d brought more than just the basics, he said nothing. By the time dinner was over we were stuffed. I colored while Daddy put the groceries away and then we showered, and I fell asleep while Daddy read me a story.
On my day off, I decided to clean the house while Daddy was at work. Tay-Tay sang away as the mop and I moved in sync to the beat. We spun around at the end of the song and hit the high note I’d never hit before when I saw Daddy standing there and I screamed.
The mop went flying as I clutched my chest. “Daddy, you scared me.”
“I’m so sorry, that wasn’t my intention, but you were having so much fun I didn’t want to interrupt. But what are you doing?”
“Cleaning, silly.” I picked up the mop and got back to work. “I need to earn my keep here and try to pay you back for the tow truck and stuff.”
“Jamie, sweetheart, you owe me nothing.”
“No, Daddy, I pay my way.” I was firm on that, and Daddy would just have to understand it.
“I can see I’m not going to win. But I have an idea how to make this work for both of us.”
“I’m listening.” Didn’t mean I’d agree, but I kept that to myself. For now.
“How about a chore chart then?”
“A chore chart?” I had an idea what he meant but just to make sure we were on the same page, I’d wait for him to explain.
“Yes. We set up a chart on the fridge and you have chores or things to do. Each time you finish a task you get a gold star.”
“Ooohhh, I like shiny stars.”
“Ha-ha, I figured as much. Then at the end of the week we count up all your stars and you can pick a prize from the treasure chest.”
“Treasure chest! Prizes! Yay! I’m in. When can we start?” Now I was too excited to focus on anything else. All I could see were shiny stars and pirate-worthy treasure. “Argh, it’s me treasure they’re after.”
Daddy laughed at my horrible pirate voice. “You are a treasure.” He clicked away on his phone, then set it aside. “What is that wonderful aroma?”
“I made dinner, Daddy. Grandma’s meat sauce, and I fixed us a salad, too. Let me get the water going for the pasta.”
“How did I get so lucky?”
“To find such a perfect boy as you.”
Lord, I was far from perfect, but fingers crossed Daddy never found out.
Chapter Eight
Every day, my patient boy stood next to me as I placed the gold star on his chore chart and clapped for himself. He definitely was a hybrid Little/Boy. The best of both worlds and I wouldn’t have him any other way. But today he would get to pick his first prize from the treasure chest.