Page 15 of Daddy's Pride
He hisses in a breath. “Fuck, that’s cold, Daddy.”
“Are you complaining?”
“No. Uh-uh.”
“Good. Rough?”
“Yes, Daddy.” His voice is so deliciously needy.
I press my finger against his pucker. The tiny muscles flutter against my fingertip. I wait for him to suck in a breath and then push inside him hard and deep.
He lifts his head, lengthening his neck as he groans deeply. I take the opportunity to nip and lick his throat. The pulse in his wrist hammers against my palm as I restrain him. I finger fuck him, each stroke hard, fast, and rough. At the same time, I nip whatever skin I can find between my teeth: his throat, neck, earlobe, jaw, shoulder. Never hard enough to leave a mark, let alone break the skin, but sharp enough to make him wince or cry out. He whines, moans, squeezes his eyes shut, and humps my finger and the bed as I drive my finger harder and faster.
“Safeword, boy.”
“Golf. I can take more, Daddy. Give me more.”
I shove another finger into his hot, tight channel. Lube squelches as I work my fingers back and forth furiously.
“Oh, Daddy.”
“Do you like that, boy?”
“Am I helping you relax?”
“Yes. Daddy, I—” He moans as I add a third finger and scissor them, stretching him. He buries his face against the mattress, breathing hard.
I bite his earlobe, and he jerks his head up.
“Kiss me, boy.”
He turns his face just enough to meet my lips. I drive my tongue into his mouth in time with my fingers. He groans around my tongue while his pulse patters against my constraining hand.
“Do you want my dick now, boy?”
“Yes. So, so much.”
“Are you sure you’re ready for it?”
He chuckles and licks his lips. “Well, I haven’t seen it, only felt it, so I’m not sure how big you are. But yeah, I’m ready for your cock, Daddy.”
“Do you want to see it?”
“Hmm, I’d like that, Daddy.”
I pull my fingers free of his arse, release his wrists, and flip him onto his back. I kneel upright, hands on my hips, showing off my hard, leaking cock.
He widens his eyes and almost goes cross-eyed. “Oh, Daddy, you’re huge. Six foot three and hung like a horse. My luck has changed.”
I raise one eyebrow. “For the better?”
“Definitely. Fuck me, Daddy. Please?”
I lean down and kiss him. “With pleasure.”