Page 205 of Daddy's Pride
“Love you too, D.”
Josiah ended the call and jumped up to meet Brody. His Daddy. It still overwhelmed him, this intense feeling of happiness, of almost giddy joy at what he had found with Brody. It was so precious, so pure he could hardly find the words to describe what it did to him and meant to him.
“Hi, Daddy!”
The smile spreading over his Daddy’s face made his belly flutter. “Hey, baby boy. Did you have a good talk with Denali?”
“How did you know I was gonna call him?”
Brody grinned as he pulled Josiah in for a kiss. “I know my baby boy. You needed to talk to him, so I made myself scarce for a bit.”
“You did that on purpose?”
“It’s a small space we’re sharing, baby boy, with little privacy. You’re entitled to have some time for yourself, especially to talk to your best friend.”
Josiah hugged his Daddy tightly. “Thank you. It means a lot that you understand that.”
“I will never come between you and Denali. Your friendship is precious, and you need to keep investing in it.”
Josiah let go. This was the perfect opening to bring up the topic of moving. “Daddy, I’ve been thinking.”
“So have I, so let’s make some tea and talk. We have some important decisions to make, no?”
They curled up on Josiah’s loveseat with a mug of steaming tea. “As you know, I have to head back to New York in a few days,” Brody said. “And since I have some deadlines for important clients, I won’t be able to return for at least three weeks.”
Three weeks? Josiah wouldn’t survive three weeks without him. “That’s a long time, Daddy.”
How he loved saying that word. It still felt like a declaration, a claiming every time he called him that.
“It is. Do you think you might be able to come and visit me?”
Josiah took a deep breath. “I want to move in with you, Daddy. In New York, I mean.”
Brody’s mouth dropped open, but then he caught himself. “That’s… Are you sure about that, baby boy? That’s a big step.”
“I’m very sure.” A horrible thought popped into his head. “Unless you don’t want me to?”
“Oh, I want nothing more than that.”
Phew. Josiah breathed out with relief. “Same.”
“You humble me with your confidence in me, in us, you know that?”
Josiah frowned. “Confidence?”
“What you did was brave. You could’ve easily been too scared I would reject you.”
Again. He didn’t add that, but Josiah felt the implication, nonetheless. And with blinding clarity, he realized that this time, his Daddy needed a little help. Josiah might’ve been hurt by Brody walking away from him, but Brody was just as scared that he still had to earn back Josiah’s trust.
Josiah put his tea down, carefully plucked Brody’s mug out of his hand, and set it on the tiny coffee table as well. When the hot liquids were safely out of the way, he slid onto his Daddy’s lap, letting out a happy sigh when Daddy’s arms came around him to hold him tight. “I trust you, Daddy,” he said softly. “You don’t have to worry about that.”
“Thank you.” Daddy kissed the top of his head. “I promise I’ll never break your trust again.”
“I know. Just like I know that you love me… and I love you.” Daddy let out a little gasp, and Josiah leaned back, meeting his eyes. “You thought I didn’t know?”
“I didn’t want to say it yet out of fear it would be too soon and put pressure on you.”
“I figured. But it doesn’t. I’ve seen your love and care in everything you do for me… and I hope you’ve seen mine.”