Page 71 of Daddy's Pride
"Who is Rogue?" Her voice kept going up until she was practically screeching.
"Owner of Club Q."
"Backtrack a bit. You didn't tell me you were going out. You know the rules, we agreed to them."
We'd always had a rule we called or texted each other that we were going out. Send a picture of the person we were with and the location, and any place we thought we'd end up. Not once when I was with Rogue did I even think about my phone or keeping in contact with Freida. I'd enjoyed Rogue's company maybe a bit too much.
"You were out on your date and I didn't want to sit at home." I talked as I moved through the apartment to the kitchen to make me some coffee and she was right on my heels. "When I got there, I met some guy, we hooked up, and he left without a thanks or a goodbye. I went to the bar for a drink. Rogue bought me one."
"What happened to your clothes?" she asked.
"Well, I went back to Rogue's place."
"Trinity!" she yelled. "We do not go to some strange dude's place just because they buy us a drink."
"It was fine. Rogue is Nonbinary, they/them pronouns. They made me dinner, we watched a movie and I fell asleep. My phone was dead, they ordered me a car and here I am. I'm sorry. I can't believe I slept so long and I left my clothes there." I didn't pay attention to the address but I knew where Rogue worked, and they said they’d text me.
"Not the point. You don't go to strange people's places without letting me know. Anything could've happened to you."
"But nothing did and here I am, safe and sound." I mentally cheered as my coffee finished brewing. I filled an oversized mug, doctored it up and then went to see if I could turn on my phone. Freida was still close behind me. I groaned as the chimes started going off. "How many are yours?"
"All. Of. Them." She stepped up beside me and set her cheek on my upper arm.
And she was almost right, except for the text from an unknown number probably five minutes after I'd left Rogue's. I clicked on it.
Rogue: Are you grounded, babygirl?
Rogue: Oh, FYI I'm holding your clothes hostage until you have dinner with me again. We both know you want to. Be a good girl and say yes.
"Asshole," I muttered.
"What's this mysterious Rogue's name?"
I answered without thinking about it and tried to decide if I was going to answer Rogue or not. Not that I wasn't extremely tempted. Physically, they were my type. Tall-ish and lean, and there was something about the way they called me babygirl in that raspy voice.
They were literally the first person I'd ever spent the night with and just slept. Past experience was sex and going our separate ways. Rogue had kept their arm around me as I'd leaned back against their side as we watched some movie Rogue let me pick. The most they did was lace their fingers through mine and drop a kiss or two to the top of my head. Dinner and a movie with Rogue was the closest I'd ever come to having a date and how sad was that?
"Fuck, Trinity."
I dropped my phone to the table and spun on my toes to find Freida staring at her phone. "What? Someone else send you a dick pic? I'm not looking at another one."
"Rogue Barrister. Please tell me you had sex with that gorgeous Butch and give me all the details."
I snorted and shook my head. "No, I didn't have sex with Rogue. You know I'm straight."
"So am I, but I'd make an exception. Look," She turned her phone and showed me the screen.
Rogue was on a boat surrounded by drag queens and they were all leaned in close, smiling at the camera. They wore a pair of pale blue linen shorts, a white tank and a blue pinstripe short sleeve shirt over it. The sunglasses Rogue had on were the same style of frames as the glasses they’d worn the previous night.
"Yes, that's Rogue."
"Your lack of excitement concerns me." She put her phone to sleep and slipped it into one of the pockets on her pajamas.
"I'm not like you. I believe in romance, and, despite my hookup last night, I want to find someone. Rogue is fun and flirty, but that's it. Rogue could have anyone they wanted."
"You need to work on your self-esteem a bit. We've discussed this."
"Please, don't start. There's nothing wrong with my self-esteem. Rogue owns a club that they're probably at every night."