Page 77 of Daddy's Pride
Me: I just got in the car to head home.
Rogue: Call me next time and I'll come get you. Being the boss has its perks.
Me: You slack a lot for being the boss.
Rogue: That's why they're perks. You going to take me up on dinner again?
Me: I was thinking about it.
Rogue: Promising. What would make your answer a yes?
Me: I'll have to think about that.
I grinned as I hit send and the car came to a stop outside my building. It was just before last call in the bars, so the streets weren't overly busy yet. I closed out of my messenger app, tipped the driver, and told him to have a goodnight. Once I entered the building and walked to the elevator, I pushed the button as I swiped the screen.
Rogue: Why do you gotta be mean to me, babygirl? I'll be a complete gentlethem.
I snorted reading the message as I made my way up to the tenth floor where my apartment was. The doors opened and I stepped out, digging in my backpack for my keys. They jangled as I used them to unlock the door. I found Freida still up.
"Hey, how was your night?" Freida asked as she took her attention away from the TV.
"The normal. I closed with Gene and Janine, and it always goes smoothly with them. How was work?"
"It was work. We had a new manager transfer in from another location. He's a complete ass. None of us are fond of him and I'm glad I only have one more day until the weekend. You have plans this weekend?"
"No, I have classes tomorrow, and then I have some papers to write this weekend. You going out again?"
"Maybe, the new guy is promising. He has no interest in a romantic relationship. I mean seriously, why is it so hard to just meet a man who wants to hook up for sex occasionally? I keep finding romantic men. It sucks."
I chuckled at her frustration. It was a long-running complaint on her part. She'd assumed men would be more open to a sex-only relationship.
"Must be hard to be wanted so much." My phone buzzed in my hand and I woke it to check, reading another message from Rogue.
Rogue: Are you home safe?
Me: Yes, I just walked in the door. I was talking to Freida.
Rogue: You go relax. Whenever you're ready for dinner let me know. No pressure, babygirl. Goodnight.
Disappointment hit me as they said goodnight, ending our communication. Even if we didn't head into a romantic relationship, I needed to figure out what about Rogue had me so confused and distracted. I couldn't remember another person intriguing me that much. I'd never developed a connection with anyone in my past like Rogue. I was just about to type goodnight when another text popped up.
Rogue: And don't hesitate to text me. I know you were nervous.
Me: Goodnight.
I tapped send and then instantly started typing again.
Me: I don't have plans other than homework this weekend. I may need a distraction Saturday.
Rogue: I'll pick you up at eight. No, don't ask, because it's a surprise.
"Rogue?" Freida interrupted my texting with raised brows.
"Yes, we're getting together Saturday at eight. They're going to pick me up."
"I knew it." She shook her head. "Don't be so closed-minded. Even if it just turns into a one-off, at least you get laid."
"Of course that's your take. Maybe it's just friends hanging out." I walked toward my bedroom with her cackling maniacally behind me.