Page 91 of Daddy's Pride
"I just wanted you to know. I didn't want to keep secrets."
"No need to feel guilty about talking to your best friend. Freida knows you best. Knows what your growing up was like. It's understandable you'd go to her. Should I buy her flowers again?"
"Probably not, at first she thought the entire night sucked and she'd have to defend my honor."
I joined her in laughter as I hugged her tighter. "Why doesn't that surprise me? She seemed a bit untrusting of me when I arrived to pick you up at your place."
"That had nothing to do with you. She's always been protective of me. I was quiet and shy, so Freida felt the need to step in when I got bullied. It wasn't bad. Some kids got it worse."
"Still not right. I bet you were adorable." I chuckled as she pinched my arm at calling her adorable.
"I was awkward and too skinny, nerdy. Education was very important to my parents. I was first-generation American. They moved to the US after they married. I was born a few years later."
"That has to be a lot of pressure."
"It was but I understood. I think that's why coming out was so hard. Disappointing them was my biggest fear."
"And I get that in some way. Although, you were miserable until you escaped that town."
She lapsed into silence but cuddled closer to me. Trinity picked the remote back up and started scrolling again. I didn't mind, even our silences were comfortable. I don't remember being with someone with no need to fill the quiet with something. We had our talked and we were good.
I was content to cuddle her until it was time to go to bed and I was really looking forward to holding her in my arms all night.
Chapter 13
The sun was streaming around the edges of the black-out curtains Rogue had on their bedroom windows. When I peeked at the clock on the nightstand, I saw it was only a little past nine am. Even when I didn't have to be up for anything I still couldn't sleep in. That didn't matter, though. I'd awakened held tight in Rogue's slender arms. Their face buried in my hair that had to look a mess.
Part of me wanted to ease from bed, comb my hair and wash my face before Rogue woke up. Yet I was too comfortable. I wanted to enjoy being relaxed and warm in my person's bed. I still wore my panties and t-shirt; Rogue wore their tank and boxer briefs. When they hadn't tried to talk me into stripping, I'd been surprised.
Bracing myself, I wiggled to turn over. I froze a few times when it appeared Rogue was going to wake up, but they simply rolled to their back. The night on the boat I hadn't had a chance to explore like they had. I pushed my hair back from my face and raised up to rest my weight on my forearm. The soft cotton of their tank rose to expose smooth skin and a shallow belly button.
As I placed my left hand on their belly, I held my breath at the warmth of their skin. There was a thin line of pale hair from their navel disappearing down into the waistband of their underwear. I'd noticed the fuzz under their arms and also on their legs. It matched the platinum blond of their hair. It was an odd mix of coarse and soft. I wondered if they were all-natural between their thighs too.
I drew my nails along the bunched hem of their shirt and then eased under it. My gaze rose to their face as they let out a soft groan. Even though their breasts were small, they still sagged to the sides. But they had large, fat nipples that tented the cotton. My groin tightened at the sight of Rogue. Their angular face was free of makeup. Mascara didn't darken their long, pale lashes.
Rogue was a gorgeous person in every way. Sweet and caring, and I still didn't understand how I’d earned their attention. They really could have anyone, but they wanted me, and I wasn't going to question that. They were mine.
Scooting closer, I drew their shirt upward until one breast was exposed and I lowered my head, kissing the puffy peak with the hard tip. Strong fingers caught in my bun.
"Morning, babygirl." Their voice rough with sleep.
"May I, Daddy?" I asked.
"I'm yours."
The answer was so simple yet elicited a sense of power. Opening my mouth, I sucked the nipple in, and scraped my teeth over it.
"Fuck." Rogue moaned and tightened their fingers in my hair pulling me closer.
The areola was almost silky on my tongue, the tip hard and textured. It was so different from my past experiences. The contrast, though, turned me on. Everything about Rogue triggered my desire. Shifting, I lifted to straddle Rogue's thighs. Both Rogue's hands held my hair as I loved on first one nipple and then the other, back and forth. I palmed their breasts, plump the small curves.
"I love these, so soft." I rubbed my cheeks over Rogue's chest. Reluctantly, I lifted my head and eased forward to bring my mouth to theirs.
They crushed their mouth against mine as I played with their peaks with my thumbs, gently massaging them in my hands. Rogue's breaths stuttered as I pinched their nipples between my thumbs and the sides of my index fingers. Tugging a bit and her shoulder left the bed.
"Feel good, Daddy?" I asked as we just held our lips together.