Page 2 of Unspoken Vows
“Soon,” I mutter, hanging up and staring at my phone. The decision is made. There’s no going back. I should feel regret, I suppose, but I don’t. Not really. I’m going to miss my brothers and Drew—I’ll definitely miss her. Yet, the truth is, this is not my home any longer. There’s too much water under the bridge. Maybe it’s weak, but I don’t really want to run into Millie any longer either.
Moving is the best option for me. It’s what I want. I’ll carve a life for myself in Arizona. It will be a new life and one where I’m not haunted by past mistakes and regrets. That’s what I want. Drew and the others will just have to understand.
This is for the best.
I stare straight in front of me. I concentrate so hard my vision blurs. It has been months, but I still can’t believe Teddy is dead. He was all I had in this world, and in a lot of ways, the last vestige of my humanity. He was everything good in my life—full of laughter and light.
My baby brother and my complete opposite.
Darkness and death. That is what I am, what my part-time father raised me to be. But Teddy, he was different. I protected him, got him away from the family. I put him in an expensive ass boarding school and made sure no one could find him.
At least that’s what I thought. Taking that job for the Bratva bit me in the ass. Sure, I uncovered a plot against Ivan and two of his brothers. I got paid a hell of a lot of money to do it—enough to set me and Teddy up for life. It was my ticket out and away from my father. Then, the fucking Phoenix Warriors MC club president, Bones, discovered what I was really doing. He had my brother shot and made sure I watched it. He also shot me, doing it while laughing about how it was his last order approved by my dear old dad.
Lucky for me, Bones fucked up often. He didn’t make sure I was dead. Hell, part of me wanted to die, and yet, I lived. My brother died, though. It's not right. I’ve wished a million times to change places with Teddy, but just like everything else in my life, wishes are useless.
I pick of blade of grass from the ground, for no other reason than to have something to do with my hands.
“I’m sorry, Teddy. The only thing I wanted was to get us both away from our piece of shit father. I let you down. If it wasn’t for me, you’d still be here.” I reach out and flatten my hand against the cold, solid stone of Teddy’s headstone.
“I will avenge you. I promise, Teddy. Our so-called father and every single member of that club will die by my hand for taking you from me. I don’t care if they were involved or not. I will wipe the club off the face of the earth, and I won’t rest until it’s done.”
I stay, leaning at my brother’s headstone for a while longer. Closing my eyes, I center my thoughts. There is so much anger and hate boiling inside, it threatens to consume me. Once I get control of my swirling emotions, I stand up. My life now has one purpose.
My father trained me to be a killer. From this day forward, I will be even more deadly than before. Now, I have a mission. I won’t rest until it is complete. I’ll kill them all, including my father. He wanted me to be just like him. Soon, he’ll learn he succeeded—except I’m deadlier than he ever dreamed of being.
With my mind calmer, I turn and walk away from Teddy’s grave. I take my cell out of my back pocket and dial an old familiar number. I don’t smile, but a part of me is tempted to when I hear Giles’s voice.
“Hey, Lenny.”
“I need your help.”
“The usual?”
“Yeah, but I need two identities. One of them I’d like to keep the first name Lennox. I need it to be top tier, though. It will be looked into deeply, I’m sure.”
“Honey, you know all my work is top tier.”
“Just go above and beyond this time, okay? I’ll send you the details I need for her background.”
“You got it. Any preferences on the second name?”
“I want the name Teddy. Make me a something useless, an air-headed heiress or something. I don’t really care. I just need it to be airtight.”
“I’m putting an end to everything, and when it happens, I’m going to walk away. I’m doing it with my brother in the only way I can now, Giles.”
“Fuck, honey…”
“Will you do this for me, please?”
“It will be my best work.”