Page 21 of Unspoken Vows
“Then what’s the problem?”
“Maybe I just don’t want to sleep with you.”
“We both know that’s a lie.”
“You’re so full of yourself,” I huff.
“I think you’re afraid of falling in love with me,” he says with a devilish smile that once again makes his eyes sparkle.
“I think you have brain damage.”
“Prove me wrong,” he dares.
“Okay, fine. It’s just two weeks,” I shrug like it doesn’t matter. Inside I’m panicking. I shouldn’t say yes, but I’m leaving him behind in two weeks. The thought of not spending time with him while I can, hurts.
Even if it shouldn’t.
“Let’s go get you packed up,” he says, sounding entirely too pleased with himself. What in the hell am I doing?
Chapter 13
I feel myself relax for the first time in two days. Hell, I smile as I watch Lennox hang her clothes up in my closet. I don’t let her see me smile, though. Lennox is a puzzle that I’m slowly unraveling. She hasn’t made it easy, though. At first glance, her background check seems airtight. However, little things don’t ring true. She’s supposed to be a web designer, yet she doesn’t own a computer of any kind. She also mentioned to Weasel that she has lived in California all her life. While she was sleeping, I checked her purse. What I found set off warning bells.
The driver’s license in her purse matched up with the report we got back a few days ago. As I kept looking through it, however. Tucked away in a hidden compartment in the lining—one I almost missed—was a different ID. It was still her picture. Her first name was still Lennox, but the last name was different. Lennox Bazin. That name sent off warning bells. The one thing that bothered me the most though, was a picture of her and another man. You could tell just by looking at them, they love one another. Jealousy hit me hard as hell. The thought of falling for another woman fucked with my head. So, I left before she woke up and didn’t contact her. I had every intention of staying away. Two things stopped me.
One, E-Z is worried she’s a plant. Bazin is Russian. Her last name might not be Levkin but considering how she basically unmanned Weasel, there is probably a connection there. Lennox has been trained, and in ways that the Levkin brothers are famous for. The second reason is more complicated and yet simple at the same time.
I want her.
Even now, having her in my bedroom humming brings me peace. That may not sound like much to the average person, but considering the hell I’ve lived through, it’s everything. This is going to end in disaster. I know that. I just can’t seem to stop it. She’s planning on leaving in a couple of weeks. Even if I manage to talk her into staying, it won’t end well when she finds out I’m investigating her and went through her shit. It's all a disaster in the waiting, but I can’t stop it. All I can do is enjoy it.
Which is exactly what I’m planning to do.
I walk into the bedroom and wrap my arms around Lennox, pulling her with me as I walk backwards. My legs hit the king-size bed and I purposely fall backwards. My woman lets out a squeal as she tumbles with me. I keep holding her tight. When we hit the mattress, she turns so she can see my face.
“Ghost,” she mutters. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“It’s bedtime and I want you in my arms.”
I help her turn until we face one another while lying on the mattress. Her beautiful chocolate eyes hold mine prisoner. I reach over and gently tuck a stray strand of her midnight hair behind her ear. The softness of it makes me want to bury my fingers in it.
“Kiss me.”
“Ghost. What are we even doing here?” she breathes.
“You’re going to kiss me. Then, I’m going to kiss you.”
“You should have let me go. This thing between us can never go anywhere.”
“Do you belong to someone else?” I find myself asking, jealousy of the man in the picture rising inside of me.
“I belong to no one,” she says with annoyance and pride mixing in her voice.
“Then you will belong to me.”
She snorts and rolls her eyes. “You can’t claim a person and make them yours.”