Page 25 of Unspoken Vows
“Date,” she snorts. “You mean you want sex.”
“Woman, you say that like you don’t want my dick.”
“Oh, I want your dick, E-Z. It’s the rest of you that annoys the hell out of me.”
E-Z laughs. I swear these two are always going at one another. They’re like two kegs of dynamite. They either erupt in a fight or are fucking against the wall. It’s fun to watch, but he married her after one night together. I’m not sure that was the smartest decision. Still, I hope it works out for them.
“Keep it up, Lib. I’ll be spanking that ass so hard you won’t sit for a week.”
“Yeah, yeah, keep talking trash. We both know that will never happen and you know why.”
She closes the door with that, and E-Z is practically cackling while we walk into the office. “Should I ask?” I question him.
“Bitch knows me too well. I love it when she sits on my face.”
“Too much information, brother,” I respond, and he laughs at me.
“Okay, so tell me what you’re so worried about.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m worried, but I think she’s definitely hiding something important.”
“We could interrogate her.”
“Not happening,” I growl before I can even think. No one is getting near her.
“She means something to you.”
That’s a simple way of saying what’s going on in my head, but I’m not going to confess that. “Yeah.”
“So, how do you want to play it?”
“I have some information I need to research. I’ll do that today, but I wanted to ask you something specifically.”
“Hit me,” E-Z says, leaning back in his chair.
We’re in the room where we have church—which is basically all club meetings. It is actually my favorite room in the entire club. The walls are all brick, but painted white, so you don’t feel as if you’re in a dungeon. The floors are dark hickory wood and there are no big windows, but there are some transom ones along the top of the wall across from me that lets light in. There’s a gigantic television hung on the same wall and the only furniture in the expansive room is a huge conference table that seats twelve. The chairs are all large leather office chairs and are ergonomic. E-Z ordered them. Each chair was three grand a piece. I thought it was a stupid expense, but I didn’t say shit. They’re pretty damn comfortable, so I can’t complain.
I let out a breath because I hate doing this. I feel like I’m betraying Lennox, and I don’t like it a damn bit. “Her brother died. She gave me a name last night. She called him Teddy.”
“You’re going to need more than that, Ghost.”
“I have it. I’m just not sure I want to know if it rings a bell with you.”
“Spit it out. I didn’t bring you out here to have my back because you were a pussy.”
I smirk at him, but don’t retort. “I think her last name is Bazin.”
I wait for his reaction, and it doesn’t take long at all.
“Fuck,” he hisses.
“Something tells me you know it.”
“Oh, yeah, brother, I know it.”
“Well?” I ask when he just keeps rubbing his beard. His silence is driving me crazy.
“The Levkin brothers had a cousin. Her name was Anya. Ivan and the boys thought of her as a little sister, although they didn’t see her that often. According to Mikhail, even Abram had a soft spot for her.”