Page 28 of Unspoken Vows
“He said I was only drawn to you because you’re a techie like me. It rubbed me the wrong way. You have a lot of things I like about you. I didn’t even know we shared a love of computers.”
“I wouldn’t say I love them. I just know how to use them,” he argues. “There’s something you haven’t thought of.”
“What’s that?”
“You’re fucking hot, Lennox. Maybe Iron is just testing the waters to see if you will give him an opening.”
“That’s gross. I’m sleeping with you.”
He smirks. “Babe, you’ve been to our parties. Sharing women is pretty common around here. Iron loves tag-teaming.”
I scrunch my face up in response to his words. “I have nothing against threesomes. If that’s what you want, there shouldn’t be shame—more power to you and all that jazz. I’m just not a big fan of the term tag-teaming. Do you?”
“Do I what?”
“Have threesomes, foursomes, whatever,” I forge ahead, not sure how I feel about it.
“I have before.”
I guess I should have expected that, given he’s a member of a MC Club and I’ve never met an angel among them. Most of the men are dark as fuck from the shit they’ve seen or been through. Others are more like Ghost, easy-going and good men, but they live with no boundaries and outside of the law. I do that too—at least whole outside of the law. I have boundaries, though. Still, I’m not sure how I feel about this revelation. Crap, we don’t always use condoms. I usually never let that happen, but I’ve gotten stupid recently. I feel safe with Ghost.
Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
“I kicked around asking Iron if he wanted to join you and me.” I freeze and push away from him.
“You what?”
Chapter 17
The club goes quiet with Lennox’s screech. “You what?”
I need my stupid ass kicked—or my head examined. I got pissed when I saw her sitting at the bar talking with Iron. I watched how he looked at her and didn’t like it at all. When she said she was with me because she liked my dick, I got even more upset. Fuck, Millie seemed to like my dick just fine after I recovered and look where that went. The last thing I want is for Lennox to follow in her footsteps. I felt stupid all over again. I trusted Millie, and that backfired. What happens if my trust in Lennox is misplaced? I already know that she’s keeping things from me. Memories of Toi and Millie all blurred in my head, and I wanted to test Lennox. That was the wrong thing to do. I know because I can read body language, and Lennox’s hurt and upset demeanor shows it.
“Hate to disappoint you, but that’s not happening.”
She pushes outside and Iron laughs, coming over and slapping me on the back. “Can’t say I’m not disappointed. That’s a fine piece of ass you got walking out that door. Then again, as mad as she is, I’m thinking she might be free and up for grabs.”
I shove the bastard away. “She’s not. Stay away from her.”
“But you just said you were going to invite me to join the party.”
I don’t think, I just bring my fist back and slam it into his jaw. He stumbles back, holding the side of his face, and I see the surprise cross it. There might also be some anger there, but not much. “She’s mine and I don’t share what belongs to me,” I growl, then I go outside to try to track down my woman.
She’s nowhere to be found, so I start walking toward the garage and our apartment. Entering the apartment, I don’t see her right away, but I hear her. Lennox is muttering and calling me an asshole—among other things. When I stand in the doorway of our bedroom, I see her loading up her suitcase. She’s pulling things out of the drawers and just throwing them in, without rhyme or reason. My heart constricts painfully in my chest.
“I’m an asshole,” I admit.
She turns to look at me and I immediately wish she hadn’t, because there are unshed tears in her eyes. She narrows her eyes. “I’m not going to argue. I have nothing against people who choose to do that when they’re in a relationship. I won’t even deny that as a woman I’ve always wondered what it would be like?—”
“Well, you’re never going to find out.”
She rolls her eyes. “You know what upsets me the most?”