Page 41 of Unspoken Vows
“What are you thinking in that beautiful little head of yours, Tiger?” he whispers gruffly.
“That you’re all mine,” I purr.
“Fucking A,” he laughs.
I giggle. Me! Lennox Bazin, trained assassin for hire, giggles. “Are you sure you want to house hunt today?”
“Babe,” he mutters with a naughty smirk on his lips. He made this vow that once I found a house I liked, he was going to fuck me in every room to celebrate. At this rate, I don’t think he’d mind if I moved into an adobe house in the middle of the freaking desert as long as it had a lot of rooms inside. One thing I’ve always known about Ghost is he has a very high libido. His sexual appetite is voracious, and it has only increased in the last month. Color me very happy.
“Okay,” I laugh.
“Besides we’re leaving next week with Ivan on his latest assignment for you. I want our house picked out and the offer accepted by then.
I nod. I do the odd assignment here and there for the brothers. It’s mostly easy shit. I’m good at tracking. This latest errand will be to locate a man who is in debt to the brothers for over two million. Unless he can pony up some cash, this guy isn’t going to be breathing much longer. After reading the file on his information, I don’t figure the world would miss him much anyway. My marks are usually two types. They are men are evil clean through or just disgusting pieces of shit in general. This guy tips the scales with the latter of the two, but his sins are many. He’ll deserve whatever he gets.
“Then, let’s go make sure Rage is okay,” I murmur, pushing thoughts of work out of my head.
We need to make sure our brother is okay. Rage got really drunk last night and climbed on his bike to head home. He fought a war with graveled parking lot—yeah, he didn’t make it out of the parking area of the club he was in. Thank God for small favors. E-Z is pretty pissed at him. He’ll be doing shit jobs for a year—if not longer.
Ghost stops abruptly. His hand on my hip tightens its grip into an almost bruising force. I look up at him and see the tension so present on his face that I worry immediately. He’s staring straight ahead of us as if he’s been struck by lightning and can’t move. I follow his line of sight to take in a nurse with mousy brown hair and big eyes. She’s pretty enough. She has some curves, that I’m sure men like. Still, I don’t like the way she’s staring at my man at all.
“Millie,” he grunts and now it’s me who is struck dumb. Motherfucker. This is the girl who wrote my man a Dear John letter. The woman who hurt him and wounded his pride.
“I … I didn’t know you were in Arizona.”
“Why would you?” he asks. I don’t bother to hide my smile. I kiss his cheek. He looks down at me and shakes his head. I ignore that. He should know me better than that by now.
“Oh! You’re Millie.”
“I … yes …,” she stutters, clearly rattled.
“I’m Lennox. Ghost’s woman. It’s so great to finally meet you.”
“It is?” she asks.
“Of course! I wanted to thank you.”
“Thank me?” she asks clearly stunned. Her eyes move warily between me and Ghost now.
“Yes! If you hadn’t been so completely stupid, I would have never been able to lock this bad boy up,” I brag, slapping my hand against his abdomen. I feel Ghost’s stomach jerk with silent laughter.
“Lock him up?” Millie asks, looking up at Ghost.
“Mm-hm…” I practically purr. “I mean, I don’t have to tell you what an animal he is. A woman would have to be insane, blind and really stupid to let him go. Am I right?”
“Babe,” Ghost mutters.
“Oh, oops,” I fake embarrassment. I guess you did that. Oh, well. I guess you had your reasons, no matter how stupid they are. Are you ready, Ghostie, baby?”
He lets out a chuckle, unable to hold it in anymore. “I ought to spank your ass,” he mutters.
“You can do that later after we go house shopping.”
“You’re house shopping?” Millie asks.
“Yeah. Ghost is wanting to knock me up and you know how he is, with his appetite we’ll end up having ten kids. Going to have to have some place to put them all.” The last part of my declaration comes out in a mixture of laughter and a squeal as Ghost lifts me up over his shoulder. I swear the man is a brute. You’d never know he has weakness on one side of his body. He trains hard so that even his weak side is better than most men’s best.