Page 3 of The Vampire Trap
“What do you propose we do about it?”
“It’s simple. We only need place ourselves close to him, and strike when he least expects it. The best part, is that he owns the weapon that will kill him.”
I wince.Get close to the viscount and stab him with his own night-forged silver weapon—assuming they can find it… That’s his plan?
There are many ways to do that, with just as many ways for things to go wrong. And if Benjamin is hoping the others will help him with the finer details, then he should know better. Oscar and Wallace are wonderful when it comes to finding potential issues with things already laid out, but they lack all creativity.
“I trust you have a way to avoid the punishment for killing a vampire?” Oscar adds.
“That only applies if we’re caught—which we won’t be. The evidence will point to another vampire.” A long silence stretches out as Benjamin waits for the others to consider their decision.
“I’m in,” Wallace says. “On the condition that the plan is a solid one.”
“I suppose I can’t let the two of you do this alone…” Oscar says with a tired sigh over the other man’s questions. “Count me in.”
“How can you be so sure we’ll find such a rare weapon?”
“There’s also the problem with his demon…” Oscar mutters. He looks up and scratches at the stubble on the underside of his chin in thought.
I already have the answers to these questions and more.
Wallace opens his mouth as if he’ll ask yet another question but snaps it close when he meets my gaze.
I hadn’t realized how far I inched into the open while eavesdropping. I step from behind the tree and lean my shoulder against it, crossing my arms over my chest.
“He has no idea—do you, Mr. Browning?” I say, arching a brow as he whirls to face me.
“Zadie, what in the Otherworld are you doing here?” Ben demands, storming up to me. He grabs my upper arm and attempts to turn me around and send me away. “You need to leave. You can’t be?—”
He might think I need to run home and hide, but I have other ideas.
I twist out of his hold and slip around him, moving inside their little circle. “What am I doing? Maybe I should be the one asking you that.” I hold a hand up before he can interrupt me. “I’m not here to stop you or tell you how stupid you are for thinking you can call that a plan.”
“How much did you overhear?” he snaps.
Benjamin reaches for me, but I dodge him and use Wallace as a shield.
“Enough,” I say with a shrug. “Anyway, I’m here to help.”
“No.” He cuts his hand through the air. “Absolutely not. It’s too dangerous.”
“You can’t do this without me.”
“We can. And we will.”
“Oh? Then, please, answer our dear friend’s question.” I bat my lashes in mock innocence. “If you have a solid plan to get close to the viscount, then I will leave and forget everything I heard.”
“We…” Ben starts and falters. “We’ll search his home and then corner him once we have the weapon.” Each word comes out less confident than the last.
He glares at the two silent men who keep themselves busy, awkwardly looking around at everything besides us. When he realizes they won’t take sides on this, he turns his frosty glare on me.
I smile inwardly, knowing I’ve won, though I’m careful to keep the triumph off my face and out of my voice. “If you’re willing to listen, I know exactly what to do.”
Ben looks as if he’s chewing an extra sour lemon peel. Behind him, our friends look relieved.