Page 7 of The Vampire Trap
“And Lady Zadie Hall, it is a pleasure to finally meet you at last.” The viscount turns his broad smile on me.
Opening my mouth to respond, my voice sticks in my throat, and no words form on my lips. I stand gaping like a halfwit, unable to do anything.
“Demons and saints, Zadie, say something,” Sabrina mutters under her breath so only I can hear, tightening her grip on my upper arm.
The viscount’s smile turns up on one side as if he heard her.
“The pleasure is mine, Lord Thomas.” I nearly curtsy but stop myself as I remember his rank is below mine. Instead, I dip my chin in a slight bow.
My face grows warm, despite the cool evening air. I’m glad when Sabrina drags me past him and inside. We leave him to finish greeting his remaining guests.
The air is filled with the light scent from the flowers adorning banisters and doorways. Over the white marble floors, a plush carpet runs the length of the hallway. The combined contrast of the dark cherrywood wainscoting and eggshell-white wallpaper gives the manor an open and comforting feel—nothing like the unkempt dungeon I imagined.
At the end of the hall, the wide double doors are propped open to reveal a massive ballroom. The steady rhythm of voices accompanies the orchestra’s music.
At least a dozen couples dance the quadrille in the center, surrounded by pockets of small groups chatting. Gentle clapping fills the breath between one song and the next while several dancers retreat and make room for others.
“Zadie?” Sabrina says my name in a saccharine tone. The edges of her smile fray as her gaze bores into mine. “Do you think you can handle yourself now? Or do I need to stand next to you all night to keep you from making a mockery of our family name?”
I pull my arm from her grasp and cant my head, plastering on the most pleasant expression I can manage and match her tone. “I will be fine on my own.”
Whether I think I can or not doesn’t matter. I have a mission to complete before the end of the night. There’s no telling how long it will take, so there’s no time to waste on steeling my nerves.
She looks doubtful but doesn’t say anything more. An older woman calls her name, weaving through people as she heads this way. A young man and two slightly younger women trail behind as if pulled by a tide.
Sabrina places a hand on mine. “Zadie…” she starts. Then with one deep breath, she walks off, leaving her thoughts unspoken.
Finally, on my own, I make my way along the walls, looking through the open doors in search of a way upstairs, besides the staircase to the narrow mezzanine in full view of the guests.
It would be easy to search the ground floor, but I doubt anyone would keep a rare and dangerous weapon where any of his guests could accidentally stumble upon it.
While searching, I am roped into a few dances. They seem to consume more time than expected. I’m glad I didn’t wait to start my search.
A man several paces ahead tilts his head until he catches my attention. He splits off from his group and strides over to me.
“I don’t believe I’ve seen you on the dance floor yet—” He trails off and lifts a brow waiting for my name.
He has an imposing figure, but the way he holds himself would put anyone at ease. I wonder which family he belongs to. They must be one that associates regularly with vampires, as I’ve never seen him before.
The inadequacies of my social knowledge have never bothered me before, nor have they ever been so obviously lacking until now. It strikes me that Benjamin has been overprotective of me when it comes to avoiding vampires and their close acquaintances. Of course, the blame isn’t all his—I’ve allowed it to happen, not thinking of the repercussions.
“Zadie Hall,” I say.
He grins, and my throat tightens when I catch a flash of fangs peeking out. The vampire must see my shock before I can hide it.
“Ah, I am a lesser vampire, so you wouldn’t see my power unless I’m actively using it,” he says, answering my unspoken question. Then he brightens, adding, “I knew there was no way I could forget someone as lovely as you.”
I take half a step back. He lifts his hands to show he means no harm.
“I only meant that your name is well known in all circles, but your face is not.” He glances around. “Is your finance here with you tonight?”
My nose scrunches up in distaste. “He’s not my—” The words slip out automatically. I cut off before I say too much.
Why would I care what he thinks?
He grimaces. “I approached you intending to ask you to join me in a dance, but it seems I’m making you uncomfortable.”
Movement near the top of the stairs catches my attention as three women seem to walk out of the wall.