Page 71 of Fast Forward
He’s going to get a lot more than that from Kasey. Wow, she must have been there – I mean, was going to be there – for him, throughout his whole cancer treatment. Good on you, Kasey.
“Kasey was just telling me about her innovative new research,” Max said as they returned. “Fascinating stuff. This girl’s gonna go far, I can tell.”
Kasey glowed so brightly she was practically luminescent. “Oh, we’ll see. Research is a slow process. I’m probably just paving the way for the next generation of researchers to carry things on.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure, you never know, you could find a cure for the common cold or something,” Max suggested.
I covered my mouth as a laugh caught in my voice box.
“What?” Kasey asked, glaring at me. “You think I couldn’t? Well, let me tell you that it’s entirely possible. You just wait and see. One day, sis, one day.”
“Oh, sure. Whatever you say,” I teased. I’d let her have her victorious moment in the future, but it was so much fun to humour her now. No harm, it would make her feel more satisfied when she actually did find the cure, being able to prove me wrong.
“So, let’s eat,” Max said, opening a plastic bag and ripping the paper on a wad of hot chips and battered fish.
Greasy food at its finest. I wondered if the calories I’d consumed yesterday still counted today, but reasoned they wouldn’t, so I happily tucked into a huge piece of fish and a handful of chips.
“Who wants a glass of this fine Moet, served in the most elegant of plastic cups?” Selena asked, taking the liberty of opening my birthday gift and pouring herself a generous serving.
“Me,” we all said at the same time. Selena poured us each a glass, er, cup and we sat and talked and laughed, until the sound of someone crying turned our attention towards the shore.
A young woman about my age with frizzy blond hair had her face buried in her hands, tears dropping into the ocean as gentle waves swirled at her feet.
“Hey, are you all right?” I called out.
“I’m fine,” she cried back, releasing another burst of tears.
I stood, brushing sand from the backs of my thighs and walked up to her. “It doesn’t look like you’re fine.” I gave her a concerned glance. She looked up at me, then towards our intimate gathering.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you and your friends.”
“It doesn’t matter. Can I help?” I didn’t know why I was so concerned about a complete stranger, I’d normally just examine my fingernails and pretend I hadn’t seen anything.
“My boyfriend, he dumped me!” She revved the engine on her tears, unable to articulate any distinguishable words after that.
“Hey, it’ll be okay.” I rubbed her arm and seemingly surprised by my random act of kindness, she pressed pause on her tears.
“It’s so unfair, I did everything to please him, changed my life to accommodate his needs and this is how he repays me?” Her eyes pleaded understanding. “Why do I suck at relationships so much?”
“I’m sure it had nothing to do with you, it was probably just him. Didn’t realise how good he had it.” I hoped my words offered some sort of reassurance.
“Too right, he didn’t.” She sniffed back tears and nodded. “But I worry I’ll never meet anyone decent in my life. I mean, I’m twenty-eight now, almost thirty for God’s sake. I thought I’d be married with kids by now. What if I’m destined to be alone forever?”
“Oh, I seriously doubt that. There’s plenty of time to meet the right man. He’ll probably turn up when you least expect it.”
“It’s just that, I thought this guy was the one, you know? I really felt we belonged together, but apparently not, according to him.” She raised her arm and let it slap against her thigh.
“You know, I had a guy I thought was the one too, but sometimes the one you think is right for you, isn’t. You just have to believe there’s someone better out there, waiting for you.”
My mind flashed to Will, first in his Facebook profile picture, then in his business suit, then in his Superman outfit. A smile graced my lips at the vision of his lopsided grin and cheeky sense of humour and I couldn’t wait to see him again. But I’d have to.
“I guess you’re right. Time heals, so they say,” the woman replied.
I glanced at my sister and friends, digging into the mountain of food. “Hey, do you want to come and join us? There’s plenty of food left.” I gestured towards the campfire and the woman assessed the situation with her eyes.
“Okay then, why not? Thanks.” She managed a small smile and we walked over.
“I’m Kelli, by the way,” I said, offering my hand.