Page 19 of Broken Wheels
Incompetence had its own reward.
A terminal one.
Chapter 7
Josh stared at his monitor, his mind tumbling over and over in its habitual fashion. He’d been awake since five, confused as hell to find himself in a bed that wasn’t his. Its usual occupant was nowhere to be seen.
Where did Dixon sleep last night?
That question would have to go unanswered. Right then, he had other more pressing matters to deal with.
Where is Cliff Tanner?
Who sent that email?
He’d read it over and over again, comparing it with the first one. The more he studied them, the more convinced he became that there were two authors. The second was written in a slightly more formal style, and it had been signed Cliff Tanner instead of Dr. Cliff Tanner. Tiny details, sure, but they added up to one conclusion.
I don’t think he wrote it, and if I’m right, then someone else has access to his emails and he could be dead.
That was a sobering thought.
A cough behind him had Josh jumping so high, he was almost on the ceiling.
Michael stood there, gazing at him apologetically. “I should have told you I was on the way.”
Josh breathed deeply in an attempt to force his heart back into its normal rhythm. “You think?” He grabbed his coffee cup and drained its contents.
Michael peered at the monitor. “What can you tell me about Tanner?”
He snorted. “Not one damn thing, apart from the fact that he was a decent guy who brought us coffee.” Josh sighed. “He could be in danger.”
Except he had a sneaking suspicion Tanner was past the danger point.
He glanced at Michael. “Was there something you wanted? Or are you just here to check up on me, make sure no one put a bomb under my bed?” Then he corrected himself. “Dixon’s bed.”
Michael rolled his eyes. “I’d like to see anyone try to get into this building, especially after last year’s events. Dixon’s the reason I’m here.”
He shrugged. “If you’re looking for him, I have no idea where he is.” Josh’s morning routine had been shot to hell. No Dixon in the parking lot, no one to accompany him to the lab….
Josh didn’t like disruption.
Scratch that. He hated it.
“He’s with Gary.” Michael narrowed his eyes. “And before I say another word, can I point out that what I’m about to tell you is non-negotiable.”
Alarm bells started clanging. “What is non-negotiable?”
He straightened. “As of now, you have a bodyguard.”
Josh froze. “No. No way. I do not need a babysitter.”
Michael rolled his eyes. “Jesus, will you just listen for one minute?”
He folded his arms in response.
“When CrossBow was attacked last year, we thought it was Porter’s doing, but he denied it. So if Porter had nothing to do with it, who did?” Michael cocked his head to one side. “Can we be sure CrossBow was even the target?”
He huffed. “I was there, remember?”