Page 24 of Broken Wheels
“And Grayson? Thanks for calling and also for covering the shift. If you want off tomorrow, we’ll?—”
“Oh. No, sir. I really do need the hours. Tuition payment is coming due, and I can’t be short this time. Don’t want my parents to bail me out again.”
“All right, that’s fine. But tomorrow, we’re going to sit down and talk about this. I don’t recall seeing your name on the list for tuition assistance. You know Mr. Cross takes education very seriously, and he’s got a fund to help out.”
“Yes, sir. I know. But…. Well, you see, I’ve been taking care of myself for years. My parents don’t have two nickels to rub together, but they said if I needed to go to school, then they’d find a way. They were each working two jobs to afford tuition, and I could see the toll it was taking on them, so I… um… I kind of lied and told them I’d gotten a scholarship and I wouldn’t need their money anymore. They were relieved, I could tell. So I got me a job here. It pays really well, and I don’t have to worry about food, since they let me eat in the cafeteria whenever I want.”
Dix rubbed his jaw. “You know, what you’re doing is commendable, but you need to take advantage of a helping hand when it’s offered. Tomorrow. You, me, and HR. We’ll help you get some breathing room, okay?”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, Mr. Meeks.”
“Call me Dixon. And you don’t need to thank me—it’s what I’m here for. Now let me get this guy out of your hair. I think we’ve made him wait long enough.”
Dix pressed End, then placed a quick call to get two men up to his suite to guard the door while he went and dealt with whatever was coming their way. Then he slipped his phone back into its holster, drew in a deep breath, and steadied himself.
Now to deal with Doc’s ex—Christopher? Was that his name? Dix was burning with curiosity to see this guy.
The nasal whining hit Dix as soon as he stepped off the elevator, a sound not unlike nails on a chalkboard. This guy was Doc’s ex? He shuddered at the thought. As soon as he entered the meeting room, the guards met his gaze. Dix knew that look from experience. It was the expression they wore when they badly wanted to throttle the life out of some asshole.
Dix hadn’t even been introduced, and he was already firmly in their camp.
“Thanks, guys. I’ll take it from here. Wait outside, please.”
They left, both whispering their thanks as they passed him and exited the room.
“Who are you?” the man demanded.
Dix took a moment to study him. He was average height, with sharp features and small eyes. His clothes spoke of money, probably more than Dix earned in a year.
Yeah, he didn’t like the guy on sight.
“Where’s Joshy?”
Joshy? So Doc hadn’t been joking. Fuck, what the hell did he see in this walking bag of dicks?
“Can I help you?” Dix forced himself to speak in an even voice.
“I need to see Joshy. He’s here, isn’t he? That’s why that moron called you.” He squared his narrow shoulders. “His parents told me he’d been hurt, and I’ve come to take him home.”
“Take him—” Dix stared at him. “Sorry, but that’s not about to happen.”
He arched one of the most perfectly manicured eyebrows Dix had ever seen. “Excuse me? Who the fuck are you?”
Dix calmly walked over and glared down at him, making sure he noticed the difference in their height. This fucker thinks he can intimidate people?
Let him see what it feels like.
“My name is Dixon Meeks. I’m the Operations Manager at CrossBow. You’re in our building, on my time, and if you can’t be respectful to the people here, I will have your bony ass thrown out of here so hard, you’ll bounce back home. Is that understood?”
That earned him a slow blink.
“Now, let me reiterate. Josh isn’t about to leave this building with you or anyone else. I am currently in the employ of CrossBow as Dr. Malone’s bodyguard, so if you want to speak to him, you’ll do it through me.” He folded his arms. “So let’s start with your name.”
“My name is Christopher Alfonse Mackenzie the Fifth.” He paused, as if waiting for a reaction.
Dix shrugged. “Yeah? And?”
Christopher widened his eyes. “My father is a very important man. He could buy and sell this place if he wanted.”