Page 38 of Broken Wheels
Why didn’t I ask when they gave out the key cards?
He’d been too goddamn tired, that was why.
“What’s wrong?” Doc pushed past him and surveyed the room. Dix had to admit it was pleasant enough, with a couple of chairs, a wide screen TV?—
And one bed. Granted, it was a king—better than nothing—but still…
Dix pointed to it. “If that’s gonna be a problem, I can always go down to the front desk and get them to give us a room with two beds.”
Doc snorted. “Are you kidding? I’m so tired, I’ll be asleep the second my head hits the pillow. I won’t even know you’re there.”
“Okay, then a few ground rules. There’ll be no hogging the covers or stuff like that. Got it? You’ll be on that side, me on this. That’s it. Nothing else.” Certainly not the images that flitted through his head right then. Images of Doc, naked, in his arms, under him, pinned to the mattress….
Then he realized Doc had gone quiet, and Dix glanced in his direction, shoving aside the delicious fantasies that trickled through his mind.
Doc appeared puzzled. “Nothing else like what?”
Well, fuck. Dix had forgotten Doc was essentially an innocent.
Doc shrugged. “Look, if it’s going to be an issue for you, then you take the bed and I’ll sleep in the chair. It looks comfy enough.” He headed for the bathroom, closed the door behind him, and seconds later came the unmistakable sound of him taking a leak.
Dix removed his jacket, after placing his gun on the nightstand. Then he sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off his shoes.
Well, this is awkward.
What made it so was Doc. There was no way Dix would let him spend the night in a chair, but the alternative….
Dix was no stranger to sharing a bed with a guy, but that was usually after they’d burned up the sheets for a couple of hours. It had been a while since he’d done that, however. Sure, there’d been numerous hookups before he started working at CrossBow, but since that day, he’d done everything he could to prove to Gary—and now Michael—that they weren’t wrong for hiring him. Before then, he’d never known where he’d be from one moment to the next, and he’d grabbed every sexual opportunity that came his way.
Starting as OP manager had changed all that. For the first time, Dix was thinking about his life. He had stability, something that had eluded him for a long while. But the more time he spent around Doc, the more convinced he became that he was missing out.
Stability isn’t enough. Not anymore.
He glanced toward the bathroom door, hearing the toilet flush. Dix wasn’t about to delude himself. He wasn’t the kind of man Doc would go for. And there was no way Dix was going to let anything slip that would make Doc feel awkward around him.
The door opened, and Dix stood.
“I’m going to have a shower.” Anything not to see Doc undress. To see what lay beneath the layers of clothing.
Keep that for my fantasies.
Doc walked over to the chair by the window. “Okay.”
Dix pulled the shirt off over his head and tossed it onto the other chair. It was only then he realized that Doc wasn’t used to being around half-naked men. “Oh, sorry.” He started toward the bathroom, then stopped. “If you need me, call and I’ll come running.”
The shower would allow him a little privacy. The thought of spending the night with Doc in such close proximity had already resulted in a semi-stiff cock.
“I’ll be out in a few minutes,” he muttered, then marched into the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar. Once inside he turned on the taps. He knew Doc was in the next room, and it felt wrong to leave him there alone. Dix should be there, protecting him.
Best to put him out of your mind. The man was unattainable, and Dix would have to accept that.
Except there seemed to be a battle going on inside Dix’s head.
You’ve never backed down when you wanted someone. Why are you hesitating now?
It was a good question, but Dix already knew the answer. Doc was a lot like a bunny, cute and sweet and fluffy. Watching it was fun, but if you startled it, then it would dash away and might never return.