Page 54 of Broken Wheels
Dixon’s gaze locked onto his. “Most men can’t. Aren’t you happy I’m not one of them?”
The dual sensations were messing with his head.
“Please, Dixon.” Josh wasn’t above begging.
Dixon straightened, rubbing his own shaft against Josh’s. He brought the tip of his finger to the slit, removing the precum that beaded there. He smeared it over the head of Josh’s cock.
“Best lube ever,” he said with a grin. Josh gaped at him open-mouthed, and he laughed. “Don’t fret. We’ll be using the more conventional kind too.” He grasped Josh’s ankles and rolled his ass up off the bed, exposing his hole to Dixon’s view. “Pretty dick, pretty hole…. Pretty every fucking where.” He ducked his head, and Josh cried out at that first electric touch of Dixon’s tongue. The sensations magnified as Dixon licked and sucked, pushing his tongue as if to gain entry, until Josh was shaking, desperate for more.
Then Dixon leaned over, his firm body between Josh’s thighs, and their lips fused in a lingering kiss, an illicit thrill trickling through him at the memory of where Dixon’s mouth had just been.
Dixon broke the kiss, his forehead touching Josh’s. “We still good?”
Josh could only manage a whisper. “Yes.” His body was on fire, waiting to be taken, filled….
“Then hold on to your knees while I get your hole ready for me.” He knelt on the bed, knees wide, close enough that Josh could feel the warmth of his body.
Josh stared at him. “I think your tongue already did a pretty good job of that.” Nevertheless he complied, his heart hammering. Dixon grabbed the bottle of lube, squeezed a generous amount onto a couple of fingers, then rubbed them over Josh’s tight pucker. His own cock created glistening trails of precum on his belly as Dixon slowly, so slowly, eased a finger inside him, while stroking Josh’s dick at the same time.
Oh dear God.
Josh had never played with his hole. It had carried the same guilt he’d associated with jerking off. And while there was initial discomfort, it faded little by little, and by the time Dixon added another finger, Josh knew he’d missed out on a lot.
There were too many sensations to assimilate: Dixon’s fingers, buried up to the knuckle in Josh’s body; the rasp of Dixon’s beard as he rubbed his face against Josh’s ass cheeks; the waves of pleasure that claimed Josh every time Dixon teased his nipples; the smell of body wash, cotton sheets, and above all Dixon; and the sound of their mingled breathing, loud and harsh in the quiet room.
The emptiness when Dixon removed his fingers was unexpected, but Dixon’s mouth claimed his a heartbeat later, and Josh exulted in the reestablishment of their connection. Dixon broke off to apply lube to his cock, and then he was back, his lips soft against Josh’s. Warmth pressed against his hole, and Josh moaned into the kiss as Dixon slowly eased into him. The slight twinge of pain didn’t surprise him—after all, Dixon was a big boy—but what did shock him was how quickly it morphed into something….
Dixon was barely moving, their lips locked, the two of them connected….
Dixon raised Josh’s left leg and rested it against his shoulder, and the change of angle allowed him to inch in a little further. Dixon supported himself on one arm, his other hand wrapped around Josh’s shaft, slick with the precum that poured from him.
And still he wasn’t all the way in.
Then Dixon let go of Josh’s cock and returned to his nipples, flicking them, squeezing, sending electric shocks through him, all the way to his dick, his hole stretched wide around Dixon’s thick shaft.
Oh. Oh. Oh.
“Breathe, baby.” Dixon stroked Josh’s stomach, moving in gentle circles. “Breathing helps.”
Josh forced himself to take long, deep breaths, and it was as though someone had flicked a switch inside him. Dixon sank deeper into him, and God, it felt good. Dixon almost bent Josh in half as he leaned over to kiss him, filling him to the hilt. He rested his elbows on the bed, bracketing Josh’s head, and started to ease out of him, taking his time.
He looked Josh in the eye. “Are you okay?”
Josh wrapped his arms around Dixon, holding him close. “Better than okay.” He brought his legs up to hook them around Dixon’s waist, crossing them at the ankles, loving the feeling of being cradled, rocked….
“Dixon.” The word came out like a sigh.
How long they spent like that, he had no idea. Dixon reapplied lube to both their shafts, and Josh worked his dick while Dixon moved in and out of his body, their lips meeting in kiss after kiss. Dixon’s lips were on his forehead, his cheeks, his mouth, and now and then he cupped Josh’s head in his hands, Dixon’s face buried in his neck while he rocked, creating the most exquisite friction.
The logical part of Josh’s brain fired into action, and although he didn’t like what that practical inner voice was saying, he knew their coupling had to come to an end.
Dixon put his weight on both hands, picking up the pace. “How close are you?”
Closer than Josh wanted to be, but there would be other occasions.