Page 82 of Broken Wheels
“Maybe because no one else has ever gotten to know you like I have.” He brushed his fingers through Doc’s hair. “Now, let’s eat and then we’ll tackle this from a different direction. Shake things up a bit.”
Doc nodded. “That sounds like a plan.” His stomach rumbled. “And how did you know I’m crazy about macaroni and cheese?”
Because he’d been paying attention to Doc for a while now, and he thought he knew his habits pretty well. What the man was missing—at least as far as Dix was concerned—was a healthy dose of self-confidence.
Of course, when your parents try to pawn you off on some jag bag, that has to sting.
“Because what genius doesn’t like macaroni and cheese? I hear it’s like a staple food for them.”
And the smile that lit Doc’s face was worth any price Dix would have to pay.
Unfortunately, he was about to crush that happiness.
“Hey, Doc? We need to talk.”
Chapter 25
Josh couldn’t fall asleep, which really irked him considering Dixon had just fucked his brains out. That was usually enough to guarantee a few solid hours. He put his insomnia down to the disturbing conversation after dinner.
Who the heck is Robert Vreeland and what does he have to do with this business?
What troubled Josh was that Vreeland’s demise could still be laid at his door. Sure, he’d helped to get the program shut down—at least temporarily—but the death count concerning anyone involved in it was increasing.
Beside him, Dixon snuffled softly in his sleep. Josh gazed at him in the half-light of the bedroom. He looked so different when the weight of the world wasn’t on his shoulders. Softer, gentler even.
Josh’s heart gave a thump, and he wondered momentarily if there was a medical explanation for it. He seemed to be experiencing a lot of them lately, especially when he thought of Dixon. Maybe I should go to the doctor and be checked out. That was for later, though. Right this minute, he wanted to sleep.
Josh slid out of bed and went into the kitchen, where he pulled out a mug and a packet of hot cocoa mix that Dixon had brought home. Josh smiled at the memory. He’d been beside himself because it was the same brand his grandma used to buy for him, and it had been such a comfort to drink it.
Lord knew he needed that comfort now.
He added some milk to the cup, heated it in the microwave, then added the cocoa powder and gave it a good stir. The first sip brought back so many memories of sitting with her. He could still hear her voice, telling him his life was going to be interesting.
He snorted. Grandma, you had no idea. How would his life have changed if he hadn’t started hacking? For one thing, he wouldn’t have been forced to work for the government, but he couldn’t really complain about that. The crime was his, and so was the punishment. And while he hadn’t liked it, he couldn’t say it wasn’t just.
There was a positive flipside, however. If he hadn’t done it, he might never have met Gary or Michael, and he sure wouldn’t have met Dixon. If he had simply stayed in his room sulking like an ordinary teen, he would never have helped form CrossBow.
And I don’t have any regrets about that.
His phone chimed, and Josh glanced at the screen. Who in the hell would be texting him at almost eleven o’clock?
Dr Malone, this is Chalmers. Need 2 know if u could come tmrw to give us ur opinion on the toxin used to kill Vreeland. I’ll be flying in overnight, so can meet with u in mrng.
It took Josh several attempts to understand the shorthand Chalmers used. Tomorrow? They must have found something—otherwise, why would they ask Josh? And why would it be so important they’d have to meet in person?
His thumbs flew over the screen.
Yes. Let me know where and when. I will have Dixon with me.
The reply was swift. Dixon? Excellent! I can’t wait to see the big stud.
A surge of hot jealousy rushed through him, which surprised him. What did he have to be jealous about? Josh pulled up a mental picture of Chalmers. Yeah, why should he be jealous? Just because Chalmers had a slender, swimmer’s body that he obviously worked to keep in shape? Or how about those insanely dark eyes and hair? Or that stupid smile of his? There was no reason to be jealous, right?
Josh’s stomach churned as he typed a response.
Will talk to you tomorrow.
“Doc?” Dixon stood naked in the doorway to the bedroom, scrubbing a hand over his eye. “What’s going on?”