Page 84 of Broken Wheels
A lightness suffused him. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. Gary and Michael haven’t said yes yet.” Dixon held up a hand. “But you’ve got me in your corner.” Another grin. “Besides, I wanna watch you eat an eclair.”
“You could start right now by watching me eat something else,” Josh suggested in as seductive a tone as he could manage. The way Dixon’s pupils reacted told him he’d hit the mark, and damn, that was an amazing feeling. Maybe it was that he wanted to drive away all thoughts of Chalmers from Dixon’s mind, because Josh knew, balls to bones, that he couldn’t compete in the looks department.
That hungry expression etched over Dixon’s face was going a long way to making Josh feel a whole lot better. More than that, it filled him with something he hadn’t even known he’d wanted.
The power to melt Dixon into a puddle of come.
To blow his mind.
Josh stood, grabbed Dixon’s hand, and tugged him toward the bedroom.
“You’re in an awful big hurry, Doc,” Dixon said with a raw chuckle.
He grinned at Dixon. “So would you be if you knew what was coming.”
That got him a snort. “Oh, I think that part is guaranteed. What’ve you got planned?”
Josh paused at the door. “Actually, it’s more a case of what you have planned. Because once we get in there?” He leaned in and kissed Dixon on the lips, slow and sensual, then pulled back a little to look him in the eyes. “You get to do whatever….” Kiss. “You….” Kiss. “Want.”
The speed with which Dixon flung open the door and propelled him toward the bed was all kinds of gratifying.
Josh clung to Dixon, his arms locked around Dixon’s neck, his thighs around Dixon’s waist, while Dixon took Josh’s weight in his hands and bounced him, spearing him with his dick as he pushed Josh against the door, a standing fuck that robbed Josh of any coherent words. Nonsensical noises tumbled from his lips, and he gave himself up to the effects of gravity, impaling himself over and over again, loving the guttural groans that poured from Dixon’s mouth.
Josh was so close, but he didn’t want to come before Dixon. He hung on, panting, as Dixon’s moans increased, and suddenly there it was, the warmth Josh had sought, filling him, pulsing into him.
What brought him to the edge, however, was Dixon calling out Josh’s name as he shot deep, and pride swelled Josh’s chest.
I did that.
Not only that, he came hands-free, a thing he hadn’t even imagined was possible, and Dixon’s heartfelt groan sent him soaring ever higher, so high that he didn’t want to come back down to earth.
It doesn’t get better than this.
Then Dixon carried him to the bed and laid him on it as though Josh were made of crystal that would shatter if handled harshly. He held Josh to him, kissing his forehead, nose, cheeks and lips, his words the same kind of babble that Josh had uttered moments before.
I was wrong. This is perfect.
They were both hot and sticky, and while Josh knew eventually they’d take a shower, right then, he just wanted to bask in his newfound power, and leave the world and its worries outside the bedroom door.
Dix managed to be patient with Chalmers for all of ten minutes before he took the gloves off. “Okay, you’ve showed Doc the chemical breakdown of the toxin. He’s told you he’s never seen anything like it before. So why don’t you tell us why you’re really here?”
Chalmers frowned. “Excuse me? I told Dr. Malone why I needed to see him.”
“Sure, but you could’ve sent him that in an email. You could’ve asked him about it over the phone.” Dix leaned in. “So why the need to meet face to face?”
Doc stared at him. “Hey. Is there something going on I need to know about?”
Dix shrugged, then pointed to Chalmers. “Ask him.”
“Okay, okay,” Chalmers remonstrated. He took a breath. “My boss is on us to tie this up with a pretty little bow. From what we gathered about Tanner, he was working for the government for a while. Oddly, records indicate Dr. Malone was there about the same time. Coincidence? Maybe. But Josh did know him, and this is all being looked into from the top down. And since this guy Vreeland was dumped at the exact same spot where you found Tanner’s remains….”
Dix waited for more information.
Chalmers rolled his eyes. “Do I have to spell it out? My boss thinks Josh might be involved in this poisoning.”
Dix gaped at him. “You’re telling us you think Doc is involved somehow in this guy’s death? What about the detective? He was found there. Was Doc involved in his death too? And how could he do that from inside CrossBow? Because that’s where he’s been ever since we left Racine.”