Page 98 of Broken Wheels
Dix blinked, and Michael and Gary cracked up.
“Excuse me?” Dix stared at him. “Never a dull moment with you around.”
“Haven’t you ever played?” Doc demanded. “I hide and you try to find me. If you win, I owe you a favor of your choice. Any favor of your choice.”
Lord, that was a sexy grin. Dix’s cock apparently thought so too, judging by its reaction.
“And on that note, we’re gonna head out,” Michael said, stifling his laughter.
Doc didn’t so much as bat an eye. “Sure, bye.”
The door closed behind them, and Dix directed Doc to the couch. “Listen, Doc…. I have a surprise for you.”
Doc chuckled. “I think you just delivered it. This is awesome.”
“Another surprise. Sit back, hold your hands open in your lap, and close your eyes. I’ll get it and bring it in.”
“Dixon—” Doc’s tone hinted at his exasperation.
“Please? For me?”
Doc sighed. “That’s only going to get you so far, you know. That whole ‘for me’ thing can’t be done too often, or it becomes redundant.” Before Dix could ask again, Doc eased himself down onto the couch. “See? I’m sitting. Now bring on my surprise.” He closed his eyes. “Just be quick about it.”
Dix dashed into the other room and picked the gift up from the bed, then carefully brought it into the living area. “Are you ready?”
“Sure, why not?”
Dixon placed it in Doc’s hands, and Doc’s breathing hitched.
“Dixon? What am I holding?”
“Go ahead. You can look now.”
Doc opened his eyes and cried out when he saw the adorable furry bundle. He pulled the small gray kitten to his chest. “Oh, he’s—” He lifted the kitten so he was looking at the tummy. “Correction—she’s precious. When did you get her?”
“I took a trip to the shelter. Michael said you’d often wished you could have a pet, and now you can. I mean, if you still want one. I can take her back if?—”
Doc glared at him. “Finish that sentence, and she won’t be the only one who’s fixed.” He kissed her head, and she brushed her face against his chin, which made him whimper. “She’s so beautiful. What’s her name?”
“I don’t know. What do you want to name her?”
Doc gazed at her with naked affection. “Well, I was thinking of some of the gray elements. Like Cobalt.”
Leave it to Doc. “How about we shorten it to Coby?” he asked.
“Coby? Oh, I like that!” Doc nuzzled the kitten. “Welcome home, Coby.” Then he frowned. “But what if I forget about her? I mean, yes, I told Michael I wanted a pet, but I worried about coming home a month later and finding a skeleton in the corner somewhere.”
“You were living alone then. You’re not now. We can take care of her together.” Dix knelt beside the couch and stroked her tiny little head. “I bought some high-tech litter boxes, a food setup that’s on a timer, and a bowl that hooks up to the water in the room, so she’ll always have a fresh supply. There are also more toys and scratching posts than you can shake a stick at. And later, if you decide you want to, we can get a second kitten to keep her company, especially when we’re at work. I’ve also got cameras set up so we can keep an eye on them.”
Doc’s lip wobbled. “You did all this for me?”
Dix gave him a look he hoped was every bit as adoring as the one Doc gave Coby. “I’d like to think I did it for us, but just so you know, I would do anything for you, sweetheart.”
He yawned. “Would you get me a pill so I can take a nap?”
Dix feigned shock. “What happened to strip hide and seek?”
He frowned. “You thought I was serious? I just wanted them to leave.”