Page 21 of Betting on Lizzie
By the fourth quarter, Lizzie’s butt was numb, and she had to stand. Just as she was about to sneak out early, she watched Maya go for a layup and land on another player’s foot, twisting her ankle. She screamed and went down hard.
The coach ran out to her and signaled for the assistant to come out as well. They limped her back to the sidelines and taped an icepack to her ankle. Tears streamed down her face, but she remained stoic. The coach asked her something, and Maya shook her head. Bella stood next to her friend, stroking her hair. They huddled for a minute, then Bella looked up to search the crowd. She locked eyes with Lizzie and waved her down.
Confused, Lizzie climbed down the bleachers and approached the bench.
“This is my cousin, Lizzie,” Bella told the coach.
“Hi, Lizzie. I’m Coach Lee. Maya’s dad isn’t here, but she needs to go to the emergency room. I don’t think it warrants an ambulance—it’s probably just a sprain—but she should definitely see a doctor. Bella said you might be able to drive her? I’ve got to finish the game and get all the other girls home on the bus.”
“Oh, sure. Of course. No problem,” Lizzie said. “Um, can I just take her?”
“Usually, she has to have a note to leave with someone other than a parent, but if she calls her dad and he’s okay with it, I’ll consider that permission.”
Maya was already on the phone and after hanging up, nodded. “I didn’t tell him who would be driving, but he said whoever I’m comfortable with is fine with him. He says NB General would be best, but if needed, you can take me anywhere. He’ll meet us there.”
“I really appreciate this,” the coach said.
Lizzie slung Maya’s gym bag over her shoulder and looped an arm around her waist. Maya put her arm around Lizzie’s shoulders, and Lizzie helped her out to the Jeep, taking her weight for every other step.
“You’re so tall, I don’t feel like I’m helping much,” Lizzie said.
Maya laughed. “You’re actually the perfect height to lean on.”
“New Bern’s about thirty minutes from here. You wanna go somewhere closer?”
“Nah. NB’s fine.”
Lizzie opened the door, helped Maya into the passenger’s seat, and threw her duffel in the back.
“Thanks for doing this,” Maya said. “Sitting through a bus ride home sounded painful.”
“No problem. You’re a terrific player. They’re going to miss you on the court. Have you always played?”
“Yeah. Especially when it became evident I was a giant, which was, unfortunately, sixth grade.”
“Let me guess. All the boys were still five feet and made you feel bad because you were tall?”
“Pretty much.”
“I’ll never get why people think it’s so bad to be different. I like different. GPS says we’ll be at the hospital in twenty minutes. If you want to call your dad.”
“Okay. I’ll text him.”
“Does your mom not like basketball?”
“She doesn’t like us.”
Lizzie did a double take. “Huh?”
Maya let out a sad laugh. “I meant me and my dad. She left us when I was a baby. Haven’t heard from her since.”
“Geez,” Lizzie said. “I’m so sorry.”
“Eh. I’ve come to terms with it. It’s been my dad and me for as long as I can remember.”
“Did you tell him about the other night?”
“Yeah. He wasn’t real happy, but he took it better than I thought. Thanks again, by the way, for saving me. I wish I was as tough as you.”