Page 65 of Betting on Lizzie
Maya followed Kate to Lizzie’s parents’ house, where she planned to ring in the New Year with Bella and the rest of the Parkers.
Ben and Lizzie went for a quick bite to celebrate, and then he hung out at the bar while she worked. The place was packed and nonstop busy, but at midnight, they found each other. And as the New Year approached, he took her into his arms.
“Here’s to a glorious next year together,” he said.
“And many more after that,” she added.
They clinked champagne glasses, counted down from ten, and kissed at midnight. The next year would bring many changes, and Lizzie pictured all of them with Ben at her side.
— Eight Months Later —
“I don’t know if I’m ready for this,” Ben said. “I’m sure I’m more nervous than she is.”
Lizzie smiled because she knew he was right. It was the end of August, and they were driving Maya to Chapel Hill, the Tahoe packed with dorm room necessities.
Maya sat contently in the back seat, headphones on, humming along to the latest Dua Lipa song. Lizzie reached over and grabbed Ben’s hand. “At least she picked UNC. It’s only a two-and-a-half-hour drive. We’ll still see a lot of her.”
“I kinda wish we’d talked her into taking her car. So she could come home whenever she wanted.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s exactly why she left it,” Lizzie said. “She’ll be fine.”
“I know. I know. Baby bird’s gotta fly sometime.”
The last eight months had whizzed by in a hectic, life-changing blur. Lizzie purchased the new house in January. In March, Ben, Maya, and Jasper moved in. Before they loaded moving trucks, Lizzie spent every spare second with Ben to make sure they were both still on board with the idea after fully getting to know each other. Turned out, Ben was like a good whiskey—the longer she knew him, the better he got.
Lizzie had lived alone for years and become pretty set in her ways. She’d been nervous about living with someone again, but adjusted easily. Taking on a “mom” role had jumbled some nerves too, but Maya was mature for her age and pretty much took care of herself. Ben handled the parental duties, and Lizzie treated Maya more like a friend than a daughter.
“You worried about living all alone with me?” Lizzie teased.
“Not one bit,” he said, squeezing her hand. “I’m sure it’ll take some getting used to—Maya being gone, not living with you—but I’ll adjust. You know, after crying myself to sleep for a few days. You?”
“Well, it will be quite a struggle,” she said, waggling her eyebrows. “Coming home to a smart, sexy man every night. How ever will I manage?”
He smiled, accustomed to her sarcasm-wrapped compliments. In the last eight months, Lizzie had discovered that being in a relationship wasn’t the burden she always pictured it would be. She looked forward to every minute with Ben. So much so, that she’d hired a night manager, which allowed her to work whatever hours she wanted. That meant quittin’ time by five.
“You guys know I can hear you, right?” Maya said from the backseat. “Not sure where that conversation was headed, but thought I might need to nip it.”
“A dad can’t tell his daughter he’s going to miss her?” Ben asked innocently.
“That’s not the part I was talking about,” Maya said.
“Right. Well, I am going to miss you,” Ben said.
They arrived at Maya’s dorm, got her settled, and, after a tearful goodbye, Ben and Lizzie headed home. It was a quiet ride. And while Ben was no doubt lost in thoughts of Maya and the past they’d shared, Lizzie was consumed with worries for the future.
There had been so many changes to her life, and, ready or not, more were coming. She’d already planned to accept Ben’s marriage proposal after Maya left, and that was before this latest development. She laid a hand on her stomach, which fluttered at the notion of telling Ben.
They got back to the house and let the dogs out.
“You know what this means, don’t you?” Ben slid up behind her and put his arms around her waist.
“We can do it anywhere, anytime?”
She turned in his arms and kissed him. “Kitchen floor?”