Page 67 of Betting on Lizzie
“Okay? I’m so overjoyed I can’t even tell you.” He swooped her into his arms. “I’m gettin’ and wife and another kid!”
Relief flooded her. “Oh, good,” she said. “I know we weren’t planning this, and I assumed you’d take the news all right. But there was always the chance that you’d been there, done that, and wouldn’t want to start over after having just shipped off the last one.”
He put both hands on her face to get her attention. “Lizzie. I’m thrilled. To marry you. To have a child with you. To take this journey together. I could not be more excited.”
“I thought about telling you and Maya before she left, but I didn’t want to shift focus from her excitement to start school. I’ll let you decide when and how we break the news.”
“She’ll be ecstatic. I already know it. And my parents will freak too. How about your family?”
“Some will cheer, some will groan, and don’t be surprised when they start exchanging money.”
“They have some kind of betting pool going about when I’ll settle down.”
“Who would bet against you?”
“Not necessarily against me. I think it’s more of a timing thing. I’m curious if there’s a stipulation for a baby though. That might get someone a bonus.”
He laughed. “Maybe you should win the money for going above and beyond. I bet no one gambled on marriage and a baby.”
“I do like to keep people guessing,” she said with a wink, sliding her arms around his neck. “And stirring up trouble.”
“When do you want to tell them?”
“Sunday dinner starts in half an hour. You game?”
“After you, Mrs. Mansfield.”
— Five Years Later —
Edward Parker was a blessed man. There was no denying that. As he prepared to walk his last daughter down the aisle, he choked up, thinking of all those blessings. He wished his brother could be here but had come to terms with Pete’s death years ago. Edward was just grateful he’d lived through his own ordeal and could be here for this.
The organ music started, and he stepped up next to the lovely young woman in white.
“Hard to believe this is the last time I’ll do this,” he said, straightening his tie and holding out an elbow. “You ready, honey?”
“Yep,” Bella said, slipping her arm through his. “I’m the last Parker. Kind of sad to lose the family name, huh?”
“Yes, well. Nothing to be done about that,” Edward said. “You look beautiful, sweetheart. I wish your dad was here to do this.”
“Me too, Uncle Edward. But I’m glad I have you to fill in.”
At the first notes of the wedding march, the audience stood. He escorted Bella to the end of the aisle, kissed her cheek, and left her standing next to Kenny, the man of her dreams. After the ceremony, the hotel staff ushered everyone into a separate room for the reception.
“That was lovely, wasn’t it?” Sophie said, linking her arm in his.
“Not half as lovely as you,” Edward said. He planted a kiss on his wife’s lips when she smiled.
“We’re almost empty nesters again,” she said. “Any news on the remaining Ms. Parker?”
Bella had forgotten about one final Parker woman. “Actually, yes,” Edward said. “I was sworn to secrecy, and then I didn’t want to bother you with it because you were so busy with the setup and stuff, but Archie stopped by the office to officially ask for my blessing. He’s going to propose sometime tonight.”
“Think she’ll say yes?”
“Lordy, I hope so. They’ve been dancing around it for years. Might as well make it official.”