Page 13 of Wandering in Love
“Been a while since you were in the saddle?” Mel asks as David comes in and sits down.
“Not since I left.”
David’s head snaps toward me, his eyes taking me in a second before a smile splits my face.
“Well, hey there, stranger!” He gets up and walks around the table toward me.
I stand and give him a hug when he reaches me. He gives great big bear hugs, just like Will.
He pats my back, squeezing me one more time before stepping back. “Damn good to see you, kid.”
“Thanks. It’s good to be back.” I smile back at him. He takes his seat at the head of the table and I sit back down. We all fill our plates, passing dishes around as needed.
“Where ya been?” David asks, everyone’s eyes turn toward me except Momma’s.
“I was in Samson.” I swallow and wait.
No one moves for a minute, digesting what I’ve just said. Will’s eyes flick toward Ian, who hasn’t blinked. Two hours. I was two hours away this whole time.
“Heard you had an interesting afternoon,” David says to Ian, changing the subject as guilt eats at me.
Ian finally takes his eyes off me, grunts, and swallows the food in his mouth. “Yeah, Main Street was full of sheep. Took about four hours to clear all the stragglers, but we got it done.”
“Miller’s or Ryan’s?” Mel asks.
“Bit of both,” Ian says, picking up his water glass.
“Sorry we couldn’t help out,” David says.
Ian waves him off. “We had more help than we needed. Both ranches sent people and dogs, a few of the cattle ranchers too. We had it covered.”
David nods and starts eating. No one mentions the boys’ obvious fight. They’re both bruised and filthy. I can’t believe that at thirty years old, Ian is still starting fights with Will when he gets aggravated.
After a day of riding, I’m starving. I barely taste the food I shovel into my mouth. I don’t pay much attention to the conversation around the table. I know most of the people they’re talking about, but it’s all mindless chatter. I’m exhausted and just want to sleep.
I lean back in the chair, and my eyes close for just a second. Just that fast, the sweet darkness of sleep claims me.
Someone is shaking me, and I jerk awake.
“Shit. Sorry.” My heart is pounding in my ears, my hands jittery.
“It’s alright.” Mel smiles softly at me. “Will you be okay to drive home, or do you want to crash upstairs?”
“No, I’m fine.” I push my seat back, reaching for my plate, but see the table has already been cleared. “I’m so sorry. That was so rude of me.”
“You’re obviously tired. No need to apologize.” She squeezes me in a tight hug. “I’m just so glad you’re home.”
I hug her back just as tightly. “Me too.”
She steps back and cups my face with a smile reaching her warm brown eyes. “So very glad you’re home.”
My palm slides over the back of her hand, nuzzling into the soft touch.
Momma hands me my jacket.
I take it from her and slide my arms inside. “Will, what time tomorrow?”