Page 26 of Wandering in Love
“Hey, Wildflower,” Will calls from the other side of the barn.
“Wanna dance?”
I shrug. “Sure.”
I meet him in the center, where he’s cleaned out space for a makeshift dance floor. One hand slides around my waist to my lower back, while the other lifts my hand. He starts a simple two-step that’s easy to follow.
“You gonna give Ian a shot?”
“Oh, Willy. He deserves a woman who can give him babies,” I sigh.
Closing my eyes, I let the music flow through me, following along as Will leads me.
“You can’t have kids?” he whispers in my ear.
“No. I’m broken.”
“Have you talked to Ian about this? Does he know?” He stops dancing and looks me in the eye.
I shake my head. “I want to. He deserves to the truth. Why I left.”
“You’re right. He does.”
I open my mouth to say something else, but my bladder chooses that moment to make me aware of it. “I need to pee.”
Will chuckles and lets me go. “You know where it is. You need any help?”
“Nah, I got it.”
I pat his cheek and head to the stables. It’s got the closest bathroom, and I suddenly want to see my main man Bandit.
It’s a quick walk, and the way is lit by the outdoor lights, so it’s easy enough to find my way. I get business taken care of, wash my hands, and step up to Bandit’s stall. He whinnies at me, sticking his head over the door for me to pet him.
“Hey there, my man.” I stroke my hand down his long nose. He nudges me in the belly when I kiss his forehead. “I got an idea.”
Grabbing his bridle, I slip it over his head and buckle it behind his ear, then open the stall door. Leading him over to the tack room, I tie his lead and grab a saddle and pad. I stumble a bit, but manage to get it on his back and secured. Thank God for muscle memory, because otherwise I doubt I would have gotten this correct.
Grabbing the reins, I stick my boot into the stirrup, and hoist myself into the saddle. With a triumphant smile, I kick into a trot and we leave the stables for the driveway and down the to the road.
It’s about time I had a chat with that broody, possessive sheriff man.
I take a deep breath in through my nose of the clean frigid air, expanding my lungs as far as they’ll go, then let it all out. All the worry, the doubt, the guilt, it’s almost over. The only light out here is from the big full moon, the only sounds are our breathing and Bandit’s steps. It’s so peaceful.
I don’t know how long it’s been since I left the ranch, but Main Street is just ahead. The clip-clop of Bandit’s hooves on the pavement and the sway of his body as he moves is starting to lull me to sleep.
My eyes close and my body relaxes. I start to lean to the side when Bandit whinnies at me, waking me up with a jerk.
“I’m awake.”
When I open my eyes, it takes me a minute to realize I’ve stopped moving. Bandit isn’t walking anymore, but is standing next to the sheriff’s patrol vehicle.
“Such a good boy.” I pat his neck and swing my leg over, so exhausted all of a sudden, I’m surprised my legs hold me up when my feet hit the ground.
Taking the reins in my hand, I tie them to the staircase and trudge myself up to his door.
“Ian!” I holler, too tired to lift my hand and knock.