Page 48 of Off Sides
“Hang on.” I hurry and grab some pants and a hoodie. “Do I need shoes?”
“Nah, we’ll stay in the building.”
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Bryce snaps. “Would you shut the fucking door? I’m trying to sleep!”
“I’m going, calm your tits.”
Nick chuckles and moves to let me into the hallway. We take the stairs because that seems to be our thing, and stop partway down to sit.
My heart is fluttering in my rib cage.
“Listen,” I start once we’re sitting down next to each other on a step. “I can’t afford the distraction of a relationship.” I lean my elbows onto my knees and try to find the right words.
“Joey, look at me.” Nick waits until I turn to him. “I know. Your family asks a lot of you and your season isn’t over. I get it. I understand.”
Ever so slowly, Nick moves his hand toward mine, the back of his toward the back of mine, slowly dragging his finger between the veins of mine until he can hook one of my fingers with his. It’s cute as fuck and sweet. Makes me think of first loves and first kisses.
“I don’t know why or how you got under my skin as fast as you did, but I hate not talking to you,” I admit, wrapping my finger around his.
I laugh at his response, the weight on my shoulders a little lighter than it was an hour ago.
“If you don’t want a relationship, that’s fine. But when you need a hug, someone to vent to, or you need to fuck, call me.”
A blush heats my face again, both embarrassed and turned on. I got off earlier but he didn’t. It bothers me that he didn’t, and I want to fix it.
Releasing his finger, I place my hand on his knee and his eyes darken. His breathing deepens.
“Did you jack off after the bar?” I lean into him until our breaths become one.
Nick leans back on his elbows against the stairs behind him. “No.”
“Hmmm…” I want to touch him, to get lost in him again just for a few minutes. I move to kneel between his spread thighs with only my hands on his knees. “Can I?”
“Can you…what?” The lift of that one eyebrow tells me exactly what kind of mood he’s in and fuck if I don’t want it too.
I invade his space but don’t touch him anywhere else but his knees. It’s close though, so fucking close.
Dropping my chin, I look up at him and drag my lip, between my teeth. “Can I suck your cock, Daddy?”
His pupils blow wide and his next inhale is sharp, moving his entire body with the force of it.
“Fuck, you have the dirtiest, sweet mouth.” Nick’s thumb brushes along my lip then slides it inside. I suck on the rough digit, swirling my tongue around it and scraping my teeth over it while pulling on his pants. He lifts his hips and I get everything pushed down past his knees.
His cock pulses where it rests on his lower belly. The short dark hair at the base of his dick calls to me. I want to nuzzle it, bury my face in it, and breathe him in.
“Go ahead, pretty boy.” Nick pulls his finger from my mouth and I lean forward to inhale him. The smell of skin is so strong here, I want to roll around in it so he’s everywhere.
He cups the back of my head tenderly and when I look up at him, his expression has morphed into something soft. Nick watches me watch him for a minute before pulling on me. “Come ’ere.”
Crawling up his body until I’m straddling his lap, I expect him to kiss me, grind against me, but he doesn’t. Nick wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and just holds me. Chest to chest. I slide my arms under him, taking advantage of the space left by the steps, and hold him just as tightly.
“Are you okay?” I mumble against his neck after we’ve been sitting like this for a while. The metal edge of the stair must be digging into his back but he doesn’t complain or move.
“I am now,” he sighs, and the tension in his body melts away. I sink into his hold, his comfort, and just let him be in this moment. It’s hard to sit in this space and just be, knowing I can’t be what he clearly needs, but I can give him this. He gives me so much, cares too deeply, and giving him a hug is the least I can do.