Page 52 of Off Sides
“You come here often?” I ask as I hide behind my menu. I know I have to keep my distance from him, emotionally, but there’s so much I don’t know about his life.
“I used to work here during the off-season.”
I look over the top of the laminated paper to find him leaning on the table, watching me.
“I guess that means you know what you’re going to order?”
His smile is wide when he answers. “Biscuits and gravy.”
Oh yeah. Duh.
“Me too.” I put aside the menu and feel awkwardness crawling up my spine. Why is this so weird? I hate this.
Nick opens his mouth as his phone buzzes loudly on the seat next to him.
He lifts it and denies the call.
“Relax,” he says as he slides his foot against mine under the table. My neck and face heat at the simple touch. “It’s okay.”
His phone vibrates again, and he huffs, his eyebrows pulling together. “Sorry, it’s my brother, just a sec.”
I nod and watch him, even though it’s rude, but I don’t think he’s ever mentioned a brother.
“Hey, nut sack,” coming from the phone makes me jump at the volume.
“Fuck,” Nick mutters and turns it down. “I’m at breakfast, what do you want?” It’s quiet for a minute before he lifts an eyebrow at the screen. “What?”
“That’s not on campus. Are you at Jim’s?”
“Yes, I am. What do you want, Brent?”
“Brent? Did you just government name me? What the fuck, dude? Am I interrupting something? Trying to get laid?”
I snort, trying to keep my laugh in, and cover my mouth with my hands. Of course now is when the server comes up to us.
“Good morning, what can I get you to drink? Are you ready to order?” The young man looks uncomfortable, like he’s new and not used to randomly talking to strangers.
“I’ll have a coffee,” I tell him. “And biscuits and gravy.”
“Who is that?” comes from the phone again. “Did you find a friend? I’m so proud of you, lil Nicky.” Condescension in those words makes me laugh again.
“I’ll have the same,” Nick says to the server with a tight-lipped smile and turns back to his phone. “I’m hanging up now. I hope your asshole itches all day.”
He puts his phone back on the seat and sighs. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay, I’m kind of surprised my sister hasn’t texted me yet.” I check my phone just in case and breathe out a sigh of relief when there’s no messages.
“Brent is my best friend and while he’s an ass, he means well. Usually.” He shrugs but it’s obvious that he cares deeply for him. I wish I had that kind of relationship with my brother. I can’t remember the last time I talked to him on the phone since it got shut off a few months ago.
I also don’t have a best friend. Not anymore. Not since I moved away for hockey and college. I have my teammates that I know I can talk to, but no one I’m particularly close to.
Nick’s foot rubs against the inside of my ankle and I lift my eyes to meet his.
“I’m glad you have him,” I say quietly.
“Who do you have?”
I don’t want to say the words out loud and find that I can’t when I try, so I just shake my head and shrug. Pathetic. Who doesn’t have a friend? Just one friend they can talk to? This loser.