Page 77 of Off Sides
Food is probably a good idea and it gets me out of here for a while. Away from the memories of Joey and the plans we made for the week.
The dining hall is quiet enough that I have an entire table to myself. Not really what I wanted but probably for the best. I was hoping for some social interaction, something to distract me.
I’m shoving some French toast into my mouth when my phone lights up with a notification. An email from Expedia? What the hell? I’m about to delete it when the subject line catches my attention. Your flight confirmation DEN – SEA.
Clicking on the email, I sigh when I see my name and flight information. Brent bought me a fucking ticket home and it leaves in…seven hours.
I shove the rest of my food in my face hole and clear my tray. I should probably take a shower and shove some clothes in a bag. Do I have clean clothes? Who knows. I can do a load at home if I need to…
As I head into the dorm building, Bryce stops me.
“You hear from Carp?” he asks.
“No.” I shake my head.
“I messaged his sister on the book of faces last night and she messaged me this morning saying he was home.”
Why the fuck didn’t I think of that? “Oh, thanks.” I’m a fucking moron. Since I don’t do social media—growing up with foster kids means no sharing of information online—it didn’t even cross my mind to see if Joey had one. Now I have to go stalk it.
I shove some shit into a duffle bag, take a quick shower, then pull up the website on my phone browser, and search his name.
A few people come up but I recognize my Joey when I see him, even if the picture is old. His profile picture is a selfie from a few years ago with a group of hockey players in their kits. All smiles and cheering, so I assume it was a big game they won. He looks happy, despite the bags under his eyes.
Flipping through the pictures he has, I don’t learn much. Hockey and his siblings are all he ever posted about and that was few and far between. His security is shit too. I can see places he’s checked into, family members, friends list, pictures, schools he went to.
A text pops up in my phone and I switch over to look at it.
Get on the damn plane and come home. I’ll pick you up at the airport.
Who made you my keeper?
You did.
That doesn’t sound right.
?? Get on the damn plane.
Where’s my Uber?
Since it’s a Friday night and all of the universities around here are starting spring interterm, it takes a while to get through security, but the flight is short and Brent’s stupid face is waiting for me when I land in SeaTac.
Brent gives me a half smile and a tight hug. Fuck, I needed that. Brent has been my person for years, even from several states away, and I miss him.